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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think the difference is Miami Season 2 was basically like their first REAL season and a lot of the viewers still didn't know these women (half of them were brand new to the series). With BH Season 3, with the exception of Yolanda, we knew all these ladies from prior seasons. It's harder to start a series with 7 housewives (and a bunch of supporting characters) than having 7 housewives on an established series.

The Miami promo is awesome though and I'm looking forward to seeing their new season!

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Update to the Guidices --- apparently they have been released on $500k bond and their passports have been detained and travel is restricted to NJ and NY. Crazy!! I guess we all knew this time was eventually going to come, but man... crazy!

The reunion should be interesting... won't they be filming that pretty soon? Isn't the season close to wrapping?

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They have only aired 9 episodes, so there is probably another 10 or so episodes left to air. I doubt Teresa's legal team will let this be discussed at the reunion and it shouldn't be.

Also wonder if this will make ratings go up. I've seen this story everywhere and I see people tuning to see what Teresa and Juicy are like. She's already gotten 25,000 new followers onTwitter since the story broke.

Edited by Eric83
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Slade is such a slimy loser and a deadbeat dad, so he and Gretchen making sweet faces at each other at a lavish engagement party, while he owes "millions" (according to Gretchen on WWHL) for his son's healthcare and child support, makes me sick. The two of them are awful people who I can't stomach watching, let alone root for. Gretchen's comments about not having "crazy surgery" are laughable. That nose? That jawline? The forehead? Please.

Tamra is smart enough to humble herself throughout the season. It's sort of brilliant of her going into the finale and reunion, she comes off so forgiving and well when we compare her to the beginning of the season when she came out guns blazing.

Now that we know what happens with Vicki and Brooks, it's anti-climatic to see her reveal they're "back together"...

Terry and Heather are raising very nerdy kids. It's cute.

Lydia and Alexis add nothing to the show aside from the fact that they're inoffensive. Lauri and Jeana need to return badly.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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And folks have the nerve to call Sherry the thirstiest ex-Housewife...SMDH

The irony about this is that folks swore up and down that Alex/Silex would be the biggest attention-hoing ex-NYC Housewives after Andy (mistakenly) cut them loose, but I've barely heard a peep from either of them since.

Edited by VirginiaHamilton
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Some FABULOUS little person has uploaded both seasons of Vancouver on to YouTube. Having never watched it myself, I dove right in. I'm 11 episodes into season 1- here are my thought.

Jody is a vile, vile wench who came out like a pitbull from the beginning. She clearly was looking to take Mary down for whatever reason from the getgo. Can't stand her. HOWEVER, that Mia is a guilty of pleasure of mine- I LOVE to hate that bitch! I look forward to all of her scenes- she's like a psychotic muppet!

Ronnie is a lowlife, nasty drunk with GORGEOUS property. She has no clue about wine (save consuming it) nor does she know how to be a friend. Her back and forth with Mary and throwing her under the bus is disgusting, not to mention all the gossip she gives out to start sh!t. Not to mention she seems desperate to stay on Jody's good side and be her friend for whatever reason. Total. Bitch.

Christina is a bit of a surprise. She actually has a backbone and a mind of her own. I like that about her. And her newly formed friendship with Mary seems genuine to me. I hope it lasts.

Mary was frustrating for me, at first, because she wouldn't stand up for herself to Jody or Ronnie. I'm glad that changed as things progressed. She seems like a kitten thrown in a pit of vipers, though. But I do like her.

Reiko is another surprise. She seems above all the drama and actually is an interesting person. It was DELICIOUS when she sold Jody out to Ronnie for overcharging her by $2000 for purchases made in her store. To me, that was a very calculated move, as she knows that Ronnie will blab gossip to anyone who will listen (she did). I enjoy watching her and look forward to her performance at the reunion.

SO glad it's been uploaded and I FINALLY get to watch. Keeps me occupied until Miami comes back.

Oh, and speaking of Miami, that promo is EVERYTHING!!!

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RHOC Reunion Preview: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/real-housewives-of-oc-reunion-preview-briana-curses-out-brooks-gretchen-rossi-weeps-2013317#ixzz2afDGh3IQ

No wonder there are three parts! You have Briana, Brooks AND Lauri appearing. I thought it was just Lauri. It looks explosive. I'm kinda confused as to why Lydia and Heather seem to be arguing, but I'm glad it's them because I feel Lydia will give it to her and won't back down. It feels *so* weird to have Alexis sitting next to Tamra. That is just like some Twilight Zone [!@#$%^&*]. Lauri looks really good and Gretchen's tears towards the end seemed so fake.

August 12th is going to be a great night. RHOC and RHOM seem very compatible so hopefully the RHOC viewers will stay tuned for RHOM.

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Lydia is going to come hard and try to secure a spot next season. Everyone knows its like an audition to keep your job and i hope she fails miserably,

The only things to look forward to are Bri, lauri and gretchen. They will deliver. Heather will act above it all, Vicki will deny and scream, Tamra will do a lot of "Oh really?" and "LIAR!", Alexis will try her best to move her face and appear to be classy.

That said, I cant wait. Tho nothing will ever top last years OC reunion.

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I cant with Gretchen;s fake crying at the end. Maybe its real but whatever work/botox she's had made it very hard for her to emote naturally and she just comes across looking like a phony in that scene

Whoa, when was there Heather vs Lydia animosity? I like Lydia but I wouldn't be opposed to her leaving. Lauri can take her spot. I don't like Gretchen but acknowledge that she still has story especially if Lauri comes back full time to team up with her vs Vicki and Tamra

Alexis definetly needs to go. She adds NOTHING to the show. She's trying to feud with Gretchen to remain relevant but Gretchen has Vicki and Tamra for that

I would be fine with season 9 being Vicki, Tamra, Lauri, Gretchen and Heather. Throw in a new housewife and that would make for a good season. My dream would be to get Jeanna and Lynn back but I doubt that will happen. Still that group is good enough

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Damn. How much time did Gretchen and Slade's pre-engagement engagement party take up?! Was there really any need for such a big event, with everybody flown in from all over the place, Cirque du Soleil hair-and-makeup for Gretch, a Nordstrom tux and helicopter for Slade? The wedding date has yet to be set and this couple are fending off creditors and child support officers?

The fact that such a big song-and-dance was made of this says to me that somebody was trying to out-scoop Tamra before her big day and is pinning her hopes on a Wedding Spin-Off. After all, the wedding and all that plastic surgery Wretched claims she never had (but may get "at some point") isn't going to pay itself.

The whole episode was painfully transparent, especially Gretchen's oh-so-spontaneous conversations with her parents and MIL who recited their dialogue dutifully about Slade being such an a-MAY-zin guy and made for Gretch etc, etc. And then there's that limo conversation when Slade could barely keep from laughing when Gretch was talking about how natural and surgery-free she is. It was up there with Taylor and Russell's limo fakery on the way to Kyle's white party in S2 of RHOBH.

HAVING SAID ALL THAT: let's call out Vicki on her fake-ass "Brooks and I are back together" announcement. Hon, you were never broken up to begin with.

Got to hand it to Gretchen. She is making people talk about her and creating all the drama and conflict. She is working it. I love how she swept into that Winter Wonderland party as everybody was bitching about her, looking like the Snow Queen had thrown up all over her, all "Hey you guyzzzzzzzz!" and sort-of not-really clueless about what is being said behind her back. :lol: RHoOC really has not disappointed me this season. And I like Lydia who is equal parts an 8-year old kid, equal parts the show's most undercover [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer.

A smart, sensible presence like Briana is needed on the show, especially since Jeanna is no longer a HW.

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