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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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NYC peaked when Bethenny left.

ATL peaked after Nene and Kim's argument on the bus an the cast became divided. Season 5 was a bit better than 4, but was still on the boring side.

BH peaked in Season 2. Adrienne and "the secret we can't talk about" totaly ruined Season 3 for me thank god for Lisa, Brandi and Yolanda.

NJ peaked when they brought in the trashbox Melissa, her roider husband, Kathy's tarsier looking ass, Jeff Goldbloom Goldblum, and that beast Rosie. Willing to throw their own family under the bus just so they could a little of the fame she had. SMH.

Edited by Eric83
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Now why you gotta go in on my Kathy!!!!!!

And TreApe helped peaked the show too when she decided to show her true colors. . . the bitter, jealous, delusional shrew that she is. tongue.png I know every day that camera goes her in front of that Eddie Munster hairline, she says, "Damn. I wish I would've been nicer to Danielle b/c that heffa would've been sitting in the hot seat. Not me."

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I agree with most of this, but I think that ATL peaked with season 4. It was a brilliant send off for Sheree and a more balanced portrayal for Nene. I feel like Cynthia and Phaedra has very solid seasons as well.

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Season 4 of ATL was very boring for me and I only enjoyed Marlo slaying Kandi and Sheree, and of course Nene slaying Sheree at the reunion. The only interesting parts of the season was whenever Marlo and Nene were around the other girls. Other things like Black Baby Gate was so unnecessary and dragged for episodes because they had nothing else going on.

Kenya definitely made ATL entertaining again, but with Nene in Hollywood it really made things lack. I think all ladies are returning so I hope we get another new woman to keep the dynamics fresh b/c I don't see much changing with the current 6 except that Porsha will be single now.

Sorry :P

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I would say for me personally, season four was my second favorite after that brilliant first season. I just loved seeing Sheree unravel throughout the season and once Marlo arrived it was a [!@#$%^&*] wrap. Every scene she was in was flawless. For this current season I skipped so much and really haven't watched the episodes fully in order because it's been so boring. I haven't found any of the stories interesting and Kenya just got so old for me once it became clear she was acting. Nene, Kandi and Cynthia didn't have stories either, so it's a hard season for me to watch. I'm shocked it was so high rated.

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BH: 3

OC: I agree with Cat that it's jumped the shark and returned to greatness at least twice, it has a certain nostalgia given it's the original.

NJ: 2

NY: 3

V: 1 (S2 was like a totally different show, even though all the producers stayed the same the 'angle' of the show changed dramatically and for the worse)

ATL: 3

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I absolutely loved NeNe's one on one special. Watching her comment and react to her audition tape and her classic arguments with Wig, it was very entertaining. Loved how she acknowledged Teresa as the face of the New Jersey Housewives too :wub:

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If we didn't know it before, last night proved that Andy loves Nene with a white hot passion! He absolutely adores her. Let's face it, she gave HWs a face and put them on the map. Like it or lump it!

Nene was merciless on SheBroke, and SheBroke is proving her right every day. Self entiltled no skilled dummy!

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I loved NeNe's interview! A few topics to mention: I liked how NeNe explained how the "veterans" of each franchise are each the "boss" of their own show, since they were there from the very beginning and saw all the ups and downs and brought the show's successes and had to see castmembers come & go (NeNe mentioned DeShawn, but no mention of Lisa... in fact, in that clip of the pilot, Lisa's face was blurred. Weird.) New Jersey technically has 3 bosses, but Teresa stands out from the other two.

I like how NeNe was genuinely sad to see Kim go, since they were in it together since the beginning, and despite their blow-ups, they were the 2 most successful faces of their series that help put it on the map. But DAMN, I loved how NeNe admitted she wished she hadn't introduced Sheree to the producers. NeNe was spot on with that shady lady, and I'm glad she mentioned that Sheree's presence is what brought down the morale of the show behind the scenes, because you could sense a huge shift in "alliances" this season, which was much needed, before it became too dark like NYC S4.

So NeNe was talking about Porsha needing to be let go, but now she takes it back. I liked her openness in her opinions of why she thought she needed to go (Kordell) at the time. And I like how NeNe still stands by her opinion that the Kenya/Walter relationship was a fake setup for the sake of the show. No comment from Andy on that one.

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