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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kenya tanked at the reunion. She thought whipping that ridiculous fan would make her stand out, but she just wilted in the face of Phaedra. She had to have been humiliated.

Porsha, who was a dud during much of the season, was riveting in that final part of the reunion. That speech was a trainwreck, but damn it, it had people talking. "Poor Porsha" was trending No. 1 that night.

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While I'm glad Aviva is coming back for RHONYC I'm a little shocked at the disparity in what they're supposedly paying her versus Sonja. Don't get me wrong I love both ladies but that's crazy....

And lol at Sonja dating a 23 year old....ONLY Sonja can pull that ish off and look fab while doing it!

Kenya got destroyed through most of that reunion which was quite disappointing. The reunion itself was pretty blah as well. So yeah for all her theatrics while on the show its a shame she didn't bring that same energy to the reunion. Plus like others said, there were parts where she was really stretching the limits of my imagination. Andy and Bravo probably realized how fake her storyline came across (probably because it was) and how dangerous it could be for ratings if it spread to the entire show.

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Trust and believe Kim will be back if Tardy flops... that's all she talks about.

Whoa, whoa, whoa Holiday, Kenya's gone? PRAISE SANTA But I haven't read about it anywhere else. I'm quite shocked, I thought she'd last at least one more season and see if she'd tone down all her hamtastic behavior.

Edited by London
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Can't imagine anyone thinking those 2 would do well out on their own. Nene featured in a show all about her? HELL YEAH! That is gonna be good and Marlo is in it? The Lord has answered my prayers.

And yes, Kenya was obliterated at the reunion. What a disappointment she was. We don't need her on the show, so this latest development won't bother me at all. In fact, I was hoping this was the case.

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Music competition shows are so tired and Kandi is SOOOOO boring personality wise. Not suprised it is flopping. Some people (Kandi and Wig) are meant to be apart of ensembles and play off of interesting people like NeNe.

I'm still in awe of how Phaedra's basic ass snagged a spin off. I hope that sh-t flops on the scale of epic proportions.

Edited by Eric83
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See that's why I feel that these women should only get specials (i.e. Nene's upcoming series) and then go back to Housewives. A smart cookie would realize that. I see Kandi Factory & Don't Be Tardy getting a pink slip. While Kandi will still have her job, Wighead won't. Kim should've sucked it up and stayed on the Housewives. She better pray that Gomer's bench-warming ass has a long future in the NFL; otherwise, she can kiss all those labels and jewels adieu.

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Yes, they should do to all what they did with Beverly Hills' Lisa, where she is featured in another series (who's number of episodes is half what a season of Housewives is), while still keeping her on the parent series. We watched the first episode of Don't Be Tardy, and we realized we weren't interested in another season of her endless rich-person-problem whining. It's gotten old, and like others have said, is best served as part of an ensemble cast, instead of a whole half-hour dedicated to one person's bitching. We didn't even entertain the thought of watching Kandi's show (singing competition shows are so overly saturated on TV) and I'm sure we'll watch no more than one episode of Phaedra's upcoming show. Once again, a whole half-hour of "southern belle" sayings will grow tiresome real quick.

I definitely think the reunion is what sealed Kenya's fate. She bombed hardcore. Meanwhile, Porsha's ironic display of devotion to her husband helped keep her around and finally gave the audience something to talk about.

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I wish it was an hour. I hate that it's half an hour.

It's doing fine. It just isn't doing the amazing number of when it was a mini special series. And if anyone thinks it'd be any different with nene, lol... I highly doubt that. Nenes will do fine as well, but if its the half hour format it'll drop as well. Bravo keeps trying these half hour shows and they just don't work. That brad brad world did ok in season one then it returned and dropped. They just cancel all their other half hour format shows. WWHL of course being the exception.

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I think Nene's show will do better than Kim's biggrin.png


I dont think I could handle a whole hour of her. 30 minutes was stretching my limits with season 1. besides isnt Kandi's show an hour? That doesnt seem to be doing her any favors. I dont think the length is why these shows arent doing good. They just arent interesting women on their own and need to be a part of an ensemble Edited by Cheap21
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I watched the OC marathon (well the two most recent episodes) yesterday and I have to say I am Team Alexis in regards to the argument in the last episode. I dont see why Gretchen needed to speak up nor why Heather needed to open her mouth and be like "Why are you looking at me?" looks like she was just trying to throw herself into the drama honestly. I do agree with Heather about how the word "bully" is just thrown around lately and Alexis is NOT bullied, but Alexis telling Tamra they could talk about it later was mature to me as it was her night. Gretchen and Heather jumping in escalated it.

That said, I will have to say dueces to that sh-t. I really dont like any of them especially Vicki and Bucky Beaver is hard to look at.

Looks like I will be w/o a RH show until June 2. :(

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Yeah, after hearing the bullying claims I took almost a week to watch the latest RHOC episode, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I do think that Alexis came in genuinely wanting to put things behind her and try to make things work. Yes she wasn't perfect and did mention her clothing line, but she seemed genuine in her efforts with Tamra. She also tried several times to end the conversation and told Tamra they could discuss it in private. You could tell those women wanted to eat her alive because they didn't want her around to begin with. I don't know if bully is the right word, but they were definitely ganging up on her with a mean girl mentality. It felt very RHONY.

I do think OC seems very interesting this season. Season 7 was decent, but a good reboot after a couple dull seasons and this looks like it could completely get the show back on track. I can't wait to see how things develop and I await Lauri's glorious return.

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