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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh, and count me among those that reallllly like Kathy Wakile. Sure, she's not your typical housewife, but there is something about her that I find really endearing and watchable, moreso than those other 4 hags. At least when Kathy's segment is on, I don't feel like I have to pop a xanax to keep me from shooting my television set.

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It's Season 3 and it's AMAZING!! Seriously, that is the Housewives Trip that Ends all Housewives Trips. No lie. It's OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT amazing. It's also one of those trips that just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.


The Season 3 reunion is freaking HILARIOUS. The lines that Bethenny, Sonja, and even Jill Zarin come up with should go down in history. I can't wait til you watch it so I can post along because I remember it as if it were yesterday and NEVER miss a RHONYC S3 marathon on BRAVO.

When is Bravo gonna get smart and start a cable channel that just shows Housewives repeats? There is serious money waiting to be made there.

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Yeah I have heard that "important" line from a lot of the Housewives when they cant reply appropriately, heck I think Walter can say the same to Keyonce LOL. She picked the wrong time to ignore Porsha when she got cracked in the face with the troof, she aint the 1st Miss USA that is black and from her own hom,etown LOL!

This is too funny


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I don't think she wants to be queen b or is as stuck up and proper as she comes off. I don't think it's an act tho either. I just think the way she comes across isn't really a full picture of her. She got down and dirty last year and did a lot of wild stuff. She's not juvenile like e other OC ladies are tho.
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I think I'm gonna have to run out this weekend and get Season 2 on DVD.

I'm not gonna lie, I love LuAnn's "Chic C'est La Vie" song; it's so wonderfully ridiculous and catchy and the music video is atrotiously wonderful. But I do agree that everything she does to "help the less fortunate" looks so contrived and insincere.

Bethenny was just wonderful on this show. The one-liners, the reading of the other ladies and their true intentions, her overall lifestyle which is entertaining to watch itself (hence, her own spin-off). She clearly learned how to play the game of reality TV right off the bat and I love watching her in seasons 1 through 3.

Kelly's dumbass was a waste of space, but her delusions and constant contradictions were entertaining to watch in a trainwreck kinda way.

Ramona is one of those where I forgive everything she does, right or wrong, the same way I forgive NeNe's faults, because I just love their personalities overall.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I was visiting my mom one weekend and she decided to watch an episode so she selected the most recent episode from On Demand. It happened to be the episode where Paris made an appearance and she wondered out loud how desperate she was to appear on a Housewife show. Then it dawned on her that she is related to Kyle and Kim then remarked how irrelevant Paris is when Kim and Kyle have become more famous then Paris LOL

Of course, my mom also told me that she has a soft spot for Kim and admitted it's due to her being the Disney darling from the 1970s. She told me that in the 1970's/early 1980's, that Kim was everywhere.. she told me that Kim was the Lindsay lohan/Miley Cyrus of the 70s. I asked about Kyle and my mom said she didn't really remember her except that she was Kim's baby sister. I asked if she ever watched Little House on the P. and she said yes.. but didn't realize that Kyle had a recurring role as Mr. Edwards adopted daughter though she remembered Kim's one time guest shot as Olga.. the cute blonde haired girl with the shorter leg.

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Season 3 of NYC is EPIC. I cannot rave enough about it! It is the season of Jill's downfall, Kelly's mental breakdown, and endless attacks on Bethenny but Queen B prevails and the 3-part reunion is FANTASTIC. Scary Island is Season 3.

Andy's frustration with this bitchy crowd is SO evident at the Season 4 reunion when he's literally screaming at the ladies to SHUT UP.

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It is one of my favorite seasons ever as well! It left me waiting to see how season 4 would fare, but secretly I knew that it wouldn't be able to top it. but had no idea how quickly season 4 dissolved. I was so happy/surprised when season 5 was gutted though it seemed to reset the show in a way and now am waiting to see if season 6 builds upon season 5 with hopefully one new addition to add more layers to the current cast.

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if you go back to the first page of this thread, you will see its the season that inspired me to start this thread here...lol. Here it is:Its amazing how my opinion changed. Stayed loving Bethany and grew to love Alex. Ramona grew on me too, although she tends to bug me at times. Hated Kelly and Jill by the time they left and I still cant stand LuAnn's ass
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So the season ends with Mary telling Jody that she is sorry if she ever did something to hurt her. She is really acting like a bullied kid in school and she shouldn't because she is a beautiful successful woman in her late 40s.

I expected the season to end with someone putting Jody in her place for once. This woman thinks she is so fab and she would be eaten alive in any other RH series. She is not even Kim D material.

Not a very good season, not balanced at all and with too many wackos for my taste.

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