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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I've already shamefully admitted that Pheadra owned Kenya to the point where Kenya threathed violence upon her, let us not forget that Phay is 8 months preggers sitting here, which made Kenya look even worse. That broke my heart into a million pieces. Kenya is not looking so fabulous any longer :(

Nene had me in stitches the way she was having a ball with just watching the others.

Cynthia looked absolutely stunning!

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That was my favorite part, watching NeNe's reaction to the other ladies going at it. "This is fun to watch!" or something to that effect she said.

Poor delusional Kenya. Phaedra read her like no other, but I still like her.

Looking forward to Kim coming next week and NeNe going in on Phaedra. And I really hope they bring up that phone conversation between Cynthia and Phaedra because that's the point when Cynthia finally won me over.

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I was actually surprised that Porsha was able to google the first african american Miss USA carole Gist from Detroit and throw that up in Kenya's face.. then asked why she was never mentioned along with Vanessa Williams for paving the way for her win. When Kenya had no response to that, I was like "honey, you just let Prosha own you..how low have you gone!?!?"

With that said, Kenya had to know her antics would be thrown up in her face and I'm guessing she didn't count on the fact that Phaedra would own her ass without any effort. My mouth dropped when she threatened to physically fight and assault a pregnant woman. There are some things that should never be done.. and one of those things is threatening to beat up a pregnant woman.

Of course, Andy won't fire Kenya for that since he didn't fire Teresa for throwing/pushing him out of her way when she went to attack Danielle at the season 2 reunion.

Though I will say that the first part of the reunion was not toxic at all. The most toxic reunion by far was season 4 NY reunion where everyone was yelling and screaming at each other all at the same time. I almost turned on the subtitles but was afraid that even the subtitles wouldn't have been able to pick up all the over talking going since all seven of those housewives were going at it.

Which brings me to RHONY, I'm happy with the three that agreed to come back.. though i do think Luann and Sonya should get a slight pay increase.. Luann because she is an original cast member and Sonya because her life fascinates me (i.e. her grey garden existence on the one hand, and then the moments where she is with it such as when she nicely told Aviva that she would never forget what she said but would always be polite to her in public). Aviva is still a rookie and shouldn't even be holding out for more money... she can easily be replaced, imho.

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Yeah my alarm bells went off in episode 5 when Bethanny said she has this feeling that Kelly is "inauthentic"...I usually find myself agreeing with Bethenny's assessments or dying of laughter at her impressions of Jill and her jokes. SO I'm kinda worried bout what's gonna go down beteen the two of em. Ramona's comment bout Luann's husband was the TRUTH! That guy is old and Mario is def one of the hottest house husbands in the entire franchisee. I mean after Maurico and Lisa Wu's husband I'm not remembering anyone else. Anyways Ramona's only crime was saying it in front of Luann's daughter but hey the girl prob should know her mom was nothing but a desperate social climber when she met her dad.... Loves seeing Luann flip out tho. Her catty remark to Bethanny was just so wrong and I'm glad she was confronted on it
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I'm glad we are getting some confirmations on the NYC wives. I agree that it is time to shake up the cast across the board on all shows. New Jersey needs some new blood, OC needs some new blood, NYC needs some new blood. I've heard rumors that former Days of Our Lives Star is being considered either as a Housewife or friend of the housewives on RHOBH. She is friends with Kyle Richards is real life. Take it for what its worth.

On the NYC franchise, I know this may be along shot but I would love to see WWE heir and EVP Stephanie McMahon and her hubby and kids added to the mix. She is a strong and successful business woman who juggles her career, marriage and family. Besides it would give WWE some exposure (even though it doesn't need it) on another level. Stephanie certainly wouldn't take crap off any of the ladies and I could see her being an ally and confidant to Heather, as they appear to very similar in their personalities and business sense.

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Stephanie lives in Connecticut and I doubt she'd uproot her family for a reality a show. And I'm sorry but I don't wanna see the McMahons on reality. Also, I doubt Stephanie's bitchy character on TV matches who she is in real life. You know what, I'm certain b/c the numerous times Joanie "Chyna" Laurer bashed Stephanie, Stephanie has never had a rebuttal. The McMahons have bigger like keeping their company afloat b/c WWE has gone to the birds now.

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