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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Loving all those gifs Cheap! Yup, that's what I'm reading as being a part of her short list if Bravo wants to get in her good graces and have her return to the show. She's not worth it IMO. But I guess they have that watch and see type thing with if she returns as a FT HW then they probably did. I'm reading a lot of stuff on Reality Tea...

ETA: Here's a link of the video I just found... love how she almost contradicts herself at the end. Also wondering if she wants a lump sum of a milli or a mill per ep.

Like Wig de-wigged in celebration of wrapping Tardy Spin-off S2. She stills looks better w/o the wigs IMO.

Edited by London
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If Jill comes back and Alex doesn't then I will scream. Honestly, if they want to save the series I don't think they can add any new housewives. I'd bring back Jill and Alex and let the fur fly. I'd dump Heather so you don't have a cast of 8. Or they could dump Sonja or LuAnn. If Bravo is willing to deal with the stress of having Jill on the show, then I'm sure the ratings will pay off.

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I think that RHONYC could handle eight HWs. I think it'd create even more drama. I could only see Jill getting along with only Carole (and LuMan of course). Alex would get along with everyone but I could see her clashing with Heather or Aviva too. I think adding Alex and Jill to the already six HWs will fix the issue.

And RHONJ needs to bring Danielle butt back. I miss her and would love to see her stir the pot seeing as everything she said on her final reunion turned out to be true, and impacted the past two seasons.

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8 is too many women. 7 IMO is too much. NY should go with 6 and any additionals should be friends. LuAnn for example had no business being an official housewife last season as she didnt have much going on in terms of her own story (which seemed very manufactured to give her more airtime. Pregnancy?) She should have been demoted and utilized like Camille on BH

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I like to keep it at 7. What NYC should do is drop LuAnn, and if they bring back Jill for ratings, they should make Alex another offer. Seeing her on Couples' Therapy shows she is thirsty to remain relevant so I think she will take a Friend of Housewives deal. No new women, I owuld rather continue to get to know Carole, Heather, and Aviva before any cast changes are made.

As for NJ, it's a hot mess. I really don't know what to do as all of the ladies (except for Kathy) have huge fanbases and I know Bravo is scared of another ratings drop like NYC Season 5 had.

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I'm still on season 1 of RHOA, but I already hate Kim. What a backstabbing fake !@#$%^&*]. Her friendship with Nene sure went downhill fast. I was laughing so hard at the song Nene made up about Kim in the limo while she was drunk. I can't believe Sheree was talking about what a "beautiful" voice Kim has.

That benefit Deshawn threw was one of the lamest things I've ever seen like. She thought she was going to raise a million dollars from that pitiful thing?

So far, I love Lisa and Nene, hate Kim, and don't really care about Sheree. Deshawn is boring.

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Mini spoiler......Kim gets worse and her exit in season 5 was pretty ugly. Im glad you already hate her bc I was over her and her lying in season 1.

I LOVED Nene and Lisa. Its a shame Lisa left the show bc she brought good energy especailly in season 2 where she got more involved with the women.

I swear Im the only one that ever liked DeShawn. I thought she balanced things out from all the fighting and negativity.

I hated Sheree in season 1. She made for a good love to hate type of villian though as I loved the feud Nene had with her.

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I could tell Kim was going to get worse. She's so fake and transparent. She's definitely only out for herself. Plus, she has an ugly wig. She looks older than 29.

I like Deshawn, but I guess she didn't bring enough drama. She's just kind of there.

I was already prepared to love Nene, and I'm so glad she lived up to her hype. Love her.

Aw, I didn't realise Lisa leaves. I really like her.

I can't tell why Sheree even puts up with Kim. Maybe it's just because they're both fake and don't care.

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I actually think that Sherry would've been a better choice to launch a fitness video (if she had any inclination to put in actual work into building some sort of HW-influenced career instead of chasing after her cockeyed ex for child support checks). Say what you will about her ways, but her body was always on-point.

Edited by VirginiaHamilton
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