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AMC: Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Which is exactly what they did when they recast her thje first time. ;) But yeah...

HAHA You love bringing up her frumpy clothes ;) (though I agree with you) I loved Laura when she first came in, and the misfits all had a little family in that cabin. Haven't since. (OK I liked NuLaura when she was first on and was kinda fun, flirting with Leo and Bianca, etc, but as soon as Passanante made her psycho man crazy... booo)

So this is the third Emma? I don't remember an earlier Emma... (Is the NuEmma being directed to be more of a "princess"--claping with her mom about the magazine, etc?)

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Ryan is at his best when he's not a romantic leading man IMHO. More a supporting character for others (the way Aiden was supposed to be but never quite clicked). Maybe give him a goofy back burner romantic pair up or something too--but no more of this "greatest love ever" crap. He can't pull it off--I actually do like him sometimes, but... It's too bad Frons sees him as THE leading man on AMC.

Oh and I loved every single moment of Brooke's return--though I agree she's maybe lost a little too much weight.

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The last 3 scenes of this episode really brought it home for me. That song that played while JR was talking to Marissa was so good. Followed by the scene with Tad and Adam et al. And then of course the scene with Greenlee and David getting married and Erica interrupting. This show is en fuego! :wub: All My Children has done a complete 180 and I'm so happy!

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It was a fantastic episode, and everyone here pretty much said it all.

LOVE this new Emma, you can tell that she practices more and is having more fun with it. She does not seem bored or ready to bolt out of that set right away. Great casting on AMC's part for both AJ and Emma. Wonder what the Kathy recast will be like..

Brooke was great, loved her scene with JR! Just wow. And Jacob Young was phenomenal today, one of his best performances. I love the way this whole storyline is being written, and the matureness of it all.

LOL at Brooke and Krystal's scene! SOO fake, haha!! But I agree with everyone who says Krystal looks great! She really does. Love that hairstyle. I hope she NEVER sport's that hairstyle she had at Greenlee and David's unWedding EVER AGAIN.

Everytime I see Marissa, I just get bored. Or I picture Alexa Havens portraying the role, whatever she's doing, and I feel better. I WISH the show would recast this role with her, this character would be so much better!

I am so glad Erica barged into that wedding. Doesn't there need to be a witness at your wedding, besides the preacher, to have it be legal?

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you and me both. I keep thinking that they should have Marissa be bombarded with the memory of Babe from those around her and feel that she cant measure up. It kinda makes her crazy and start acting reckless. She gets in an accidwent where her face is burned and she has the plastic surgeon change her face to look like Babe and in comes Alexa playing the new psycho Marissa with auburn hair. Everyone is freaked out when her new face is revealed and how she starts to believe she really is Babe. She gets sent for a short stint at Oak Haven and comes out a new edgier Marissa who now looks like her twin sister and they all have to find a way to deal with that



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Remember how BORING Babe was the last little while (and I'm not talking about NuBabe who I never took to at all, but Alexa). Yes she's less boring than Marissa, but I don't think essentially bringing her back (even as Marissa, technically) is the answer at all. It'd feel like one step forward, two steps back to me.

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