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Peyton Place

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I loved the articles. Lana Wood: Good grief! Susan Oliver: She was my least favorite Laura on Days of our Lives, but the character of Ann Howard was one of the saddest in all of Peyton Place. Susan performed marvelously. Barbara Parkins: Ah, the girl from Peyton Place. The title has that salacious 60s sound to it. Married Men Make Dangerous Lovers. Indeed, Babs.

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I know I am very late to the party here, but hoping someone might want to re-ignite discussion of PP.

I have just finished watching the first batch of episodes, stopping at #70 or so as this is when a natural break took place.

Amazed at the acting, writing and direction so far. How the show was ignored in the Emmy's is ridiculous.

Having said that, the shift around ep 70 was a turn for the worst and seemed to stop the show in its tracks.

Having the time frame move forward a month was such a disappointment.Alison's paternity was revealed along with the true killer of Eliot's wife,clearing the way for Connie and Eliot to be honest about their feelings.

Instead we jumped to the wedding,when a Michael/Connie/Eliot triangle could have been explored.Leslie Harrington flies to the capitol to clear Eliot,based on no concrete evidence.Shouldn't he have been charged with withholding evidence.Instead, he's gone and the Julie/Leslie story with him.

Not impressed with Mariette Hartley/Claire - she seems so wooden compared to the rest of the cast.

Paul Hanley just diasappears.Again,after all his manipulations he deserved an exit. Does anyone agree that the character was supposed to be gay? He was presented as such in terms of 60's TV - bitchy, sarcastic,erudite.His interest in Allison was not sexual.

Then the focus on the Schusters new characters with no connections to the cast..Who cares about their missing daughter?

Betty as a nurses aide brought some great scenes with Miss Choate, but overall this vocation isn't a good fit.

I noticed around now Felix Fiest was listed as producer.Hopefully he isn't responsible for these storylines and things turn around.

Sorry to ramble on, but hopefully some other PP buff swill want to chip in.

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Up to episode 40. The Elliot Carson mystery is so, so good. Paul and his father Calvin just showed up, and in just two episodes already have (deep) connections to Matt, Connie and Allison. It's such a complicated, well-written, fascinating story. I can't wait to see how it develops.

Meanwhile, the scene were Betty is almost raped by Roy Roberts because he doesn't realize she was genuinely refuting his advances instead of playing around with him, after which he fatherly comforts her and then gives her money for the train fare, advising her to go back home, is so complex and nasty and heartbreaking. Did they really allow stuff like this to air in '65? Love it!

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Attention PEYTON PLACE fans:

A poster named coffeegulper905 has undertaken the herculean task of uploading the entire 514-episode series to youtube.

The quality is great.

He's already up to episode number 388.

Who knows how long these treasures will last before getting yanked, so watch them while they're hot, LOL.


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