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I had people reciting his lines from the duel to me all night. And our drunk friend could just barely contain herself from spoiling the books, but at least we bonded over our hopes that Bran would join Jon and Daenerys in winning the day.

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Jason Momoa who played Khal Drogo (and who was freaking amazing in the role IMO) has reportedly been cast as Aquaman in Zack Snyder's "Batman v Superman" film.

Okay Ben Affleck aside I'm so excited for the movie now! The woman they have playing Wonder Woman looks fantastic and exactly how I picture her as. Plus dude from The Social Network as Lex Luthor will be very interesting and I think very good.

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Emmy consideration list for GoT.


(I'm not all that bothered that Aiden Gillen wasn't included, as his performance has been uneven...I wish Alfie Allen had been considered, but considering that he was up a few years ago and didn't get a nomination, I'm not too shocked they didn't try again).

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God... I'm trying to collect my thoughts here.

The opening scene was breathtaking, wasn't it? So many fantastic shots of the Wall as Jon Snow walks to Mance Ryder's tent. The size of Stannis' army was immense. How does a TV show even pull this stuff off? Beautiful. I wasn't expecting to get a funeral scene for Ygritte, but considering they've spent three seasons on this love story/relationship, it's not totally surprising.

What can I even say about Bran finding the tree, only to be attacked by that skeleton army and saved by one of "the children." Very cool stuff. Not to mention the man. Heartbreaking moment when Bran thinks he will be able to walk again but is told he won't. I wonder if there's any chance the "fly" part was literal! Probably not but it is a fantasy show.

I loved the nuances they played with Cersei's desire to see the Mountain cured. And her blackmailing of Tywin. What a bad ass bitch Cersei is. That scene was SO well played by LH and CD. OOOooh, and are we finally seeing the WHOLE STORY in regards to that supposed rape scene a few episodes back? Have we finally seen that it was done that way to show Cersei's journey from wanting to hide her love, her true self, who she is to now being able to openly, unashamedly proclaim it? whistling.jpg

Shock when Brienne saw Arya. The actress played the realization of who Arya was so perfectly. And that Hound/Brienne fight? Unbelievably brutal but oh-so-good. They even managed to give the Hound some truly humanizing last words.

There was something SO gripping about Shae hanging upside down from the bed, strangled. It was so great to see Tyrion initially shocked and then his look changes and he goes for Tywin. I swear, Dance must be the only man who can act with dignity from the shitter. A shame, though: Earlier in the season, they put the line in about "Lannisters shitting gold" and I could have sworn they did that because, when Tyrion kills Tywin in the book and Tywin releases himself in death, the chapter ends with a proclamation that the Lannisters do not, in fact, sh!t gold. Maybe it was too flippant a thing to say at that moment?

Daenerys! I thought her coming to the realization that she can't control her dragons and locking them up was heartbreaking. Once again, brilliant FX with the dragons and very sad.

They didn't give me the cliffhanger I was hoping for sad.png Part of me knew they wouldn't, anyways, and I'm fine with that majestic scene they ended on, so pretty please don't dismiss be as a book-loving-nagger, but you really have zero idea the HUGE season-ending shock that scene would be. Ah, well, there's always Season 5. They'll keep me waiting. dry.png

I love that I honestly have no idea what's going on cos I've only read up to Book 3. My little "book first" experiment has been concluded and I've decided I definitely do not want to have read the books first. I have never had an issue with book changes in movies but in GOT a lot of them annoy me, so TV show first, books after LOL. Unless I read them this summer so I forget most of the details.

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Yeah, I can't unpack all of that right now. It was all fantastic.

Just a few things now: I had a feeling about Tywin, but the rest was a shock. And the stuff with Jon and Mance, and Stannis went in a different direction than I expected - great stuff from Kit Harington and Ciaran Hinds, who makes a meal of just a few appearances. Was this why Stannis went to Braavos? To get more ships or men? Or just funds? I can't recall.

The fight between Brienne and the Hound started out badass and turned out just awful and difficult to watch, which is what it was supposed to be. Not awful in a bad way, just awful because we care about both people and it's a terrible thing they had to do. Brienne and Arya did have great chemistry, it's too bad about that whole thing. Now what the hell are those two supposed to do?

I would assume Tywin picked up Shae after they turned her. I was amazed they had the balls to do that to Tyrion's character, but I was very impressed by all those scenes. Incredible work from Lena Headey as well. And all I could think when that renegade maester (name?) started talking about how the Mountain would be "different" was, they're about to make the worst White Walker possible.

I half-expected the Three-Eyed Raven (or whoever) to warg Bran into Daenerys's errant dragon.

I would've sooner Jojen and Bran continued their quiet little teen crush and lost Meera, who I think has little character so far, but I suppose this is to set up her as Bran's eventual love interest, which is what I had pegged her for when the Reed kids first turned up on the scene. She's a fine actress so seeing her more of her in a bigger role is fine by me. I loved that whole Army of Darkness fight. Poor old Jojen.

I had half-expected to see

ride up on a cliff as Arya sailed away - I got spoiled for who that is, sadly - but I wonder if they're saving it to shock next year.

If Melisandre isn't there to, ultimately, either ice (ohhhh!) Jon Snow like she intended to do to Gendry, or throw over Stannis and call him the one true King when this is all over, I'll eat my hat.

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Yes, this is all thanks to Davos. When he got the raven from the wall, he convinced Stannis to borrow money from the iron bank, which they gave him because he promised to pay back what the kingdom owes. This was really a great move by Davos, Stannis and The Red Woman, imo.

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The fight between Brienne and the Hound was honestly, the best fight scene I've seen on the show. I was torn on who to root for and it was just perfectly choreographed. Honestly so much happened I'm going to have to comment over a few days.

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Yeah, that started out by the book and then turned into a streetfight. Raw [!@#$%^&*].

So did they get the cash from the Bank to get ships and go North? I think adding the Dragonstone crew in with Jon Snow and the boyz (a.k.a. Jon Snow featuring the Ice Kold Krew) is a pretty brilliant move, story-wise. And assuming Arya, Varys and Tyrion are all headed to at least different points on Essos, well, that's very interesting too. To say nothing of Littlefinger and Sansa - where the hell were they going?

Who the hell is the next Hand of the King? Pretty slim pickings now. Who are they leaving in charge, assuming Jaime can't break his Kingsguard vow? Tommen and the idiot Tyrell father? Cersei's going to have to take charge by default. And she's not terribly good at governing.

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If not for the cannibals, I'd be hoping that Stannis lets the free people behind the wall. He needs more people in his army, to fight both other humans and the walkers.

I do think when Bran was told he would fly, it involves dragons (not a spoiler). Either Dany's or others. We don't even know that hers are the only living dragons, although I suppose it's been implied, given the way magic came back into the world after her's were hatched.

This was a good finale, but frustrating for me. As I've said before, the story is getting so big. I feel like we only see glimpses of each story and character.

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