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HBO: Game of Thrones


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I think that the showrunners do mostly good work including the adaptation of the books. However, this sophomore season has been mediocre at best. If the show is going to be mostly political intrigue, the dialogue has got to be more compelling. Also, I still have not gotten over how they omitted that key Tyrion/Sansa/Shae scene which could have made the episode. What were they thinking there? I just think that the showrunners need help. A couple strong writers to bring a fresh set eyes to the material would be a good move. I just remembered that Aaron Sorkin fired his writing team at the end of Newsroom's last season. Surely, HBO can hire a couple of them.

I liked the Blackwater episode that Martin wrote last season, but this last one was not good.

Edited by Ann_SS
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You're right the Blackwater episode was very strong.

I'm confused--sophomore is an AMerican term but wouldn't it mean the second season? (ie Clash?) I can't speak for the Newsroom writers--all I could hear from that show was Sorkin's voice, and I admit I'm simply not a fan, but I do see your point.

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I've been meaning to ask this ... Is there any chance of Gendry (Robert Baratheon's bastard son) and Gilly (the young mother with Samwell Tarly) having a SKINS reunion on this show? I would die of happiness if that were to happen.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I thought that was a much better episode. The wedding was hilarious, cruel, and scary all at once.

I have run out of words to describe Joffery. Taking away Tyrion's stool was funny and mean, but how he casually threatened to rape Sansa was horrific.

Sansa kneeling unlike in the books works for series. As awful as her life is, she could do much worse than Tyrion, there was no need to have her be unnecessarily cruel to him when his family is already that way. Tyrion is a sad, but hilarious drunk. He remains kind even when [!@#$%^&*] faced.

Cersei, that woman... Margaery needs to watch her back with her always. Poor Loras.

I am glad that Gendry survived. Davos is right that Stannis went to him because he knew that he would be his conscience. I am glad that Davos is free.

Poor Arya. She looked so happy at the thought of reuniting with Robb and her mother. If she only knew...

Yay, for Samwell, the hero! I don't know why he did not take the obsidian blade with him though.

Daario is pretty hot. Dany will be hitting that for sure. It has been a long time since Drogo.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I'd say there is a chance. This is total speculation on my part, but I suspect that the ultimate showdown of this series will happen at the wall (or maybe Winterfell). I suspect that many of our main characters will end up there one way or the other.

P.S. Darrio is very....attractive.

Edited by Juliajms
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Really? I was debating that...ultimately I found him creepy and not that attractive. The guy who was a total sexist pig to Dany and Missandei (her scribe/page) was way hotter. Too bad he had to die.

So many things to nitpick in this episode that destroyed my enjoyment of it. But its the little things like Tyrion threatening Joffrey that make me smile.

Still the mercenaries subplot was mushed together and I really hated that. Daario is not in charge of the Second Sons in the books....can't believe we're not going to see Brown Ben Plum....:(

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Good episode. You have to love how Joffrey never fails to find new ways to be rotten. He has to be the meanest character on all of TV. All the Lannisters were in fine form this episode. I loved Cersei first threatening to kill her future daughter in law/sister in law, and then dismissing her beloved gay fiancee so nonchalantly. I really don;t understand why Cersei and Tyrion just don't tell Tywin no at some point.

The Gendry stuff interests me, but what is it with this show and penises??? This is the second episode they have come under attack.

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Man that was a HOT scene


They really need to do something about his eyebrows


Dont ever call her sister laugh.png


I think Im going to like him


Gotta admit, I liked him while he still had his head intact




LOL..I cant with that scene. I didnt even get all that. Thats some Days of Our Lives BS....laugh.png

that was Margaraey's brother? I thought that was her cousin she was screwing. They look so much alike to me Edited by Cheap21
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I thought all the commanders were pretty hot. I would take any of the three.

The commander with the long dark hair played Ferdy on the British series, This Life with Andrew Lincoln and that guy from Smash. He was on Esatenders most recently and is sexy as hell.

Edited by Ann_SS
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