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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Yes, I read them years ago, but I'm being careful not to give any spoilers, so as not to ruin it for others. Plus, the writers are changing the show enough that every episode still surprises me. I actually wondered if Jaime might keep his hand, like Tyrion got to keep his nose, but I think fans would have revolted. I liked the way Cersei made mention of Tyrion's nose on the show. It was a nice little shout out to the books. She seemed so disappointed he still had it. tongue.png

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Lol yeah the nose comment was definitely cute.

I liked Cersei moving her chair to the right of her father. So much was said in that scene and yet so little actual talking took place. And you're right I find myself wondering each episode what will stay the same and what will change. It does make it more interesting I suppose....

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What I liked about the chair scene was that Cersei was clever enough to think outside the box and get closer to her father than all the other ass kissers. Still, Tyrion proved that he was even more clever by putting himself on nearly equal footing with his father by taking the other head of the table. It's really too bad that Tyrion is on the wrong side (from my perspective) of the war of the five kings. Even now that we've seen the white walker army it's hard to remember that the real battle hasn't even started. The seven kingdoms are fighting a civil war, while the real barbarians are at the gate.

One good thing about GoT's is that the real questions haven't even been answered in the books yet. I'm betting HBO will catch up to GRRM before they are, so no one will be spoiled on the real issues.

For example, I have no idea if I'm supposed to believe that the "Lord of Light" is a good god.

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Great episode although my cable cut out for bits of it. I loved Dany revealing that she speaks Valyrian, having the Unsullied take out the slavers, and having her dragon burn that guy who was insulting her. It was predictable, but I loved it anyway.

Varys and Tyrion are always so good together. Tyrion's horrific expression when he saw the wizard captured in the box was classic. Yep, Varys knows how do revenge. Then, we have Varys scheming with the Tyrells to outmaneuver Littlefinger. Sansa looked so happy at the thought of marrying Loras and getting away from King's Landing.

I liked Arya reminding the Hound about killing poor Micah. It was so long ago, but like Varys, she has a long memory.

I actually felt a twinge of sympathy for both Theon and Jamie. Theon finally realizes that Ned was his real father and that his bad choices cost him his family. Jamie giving up over losing his hand before Brienne pushes him to get his revenge.

Cersei has lost control of Joffery. Good. I hope it stays that way. So both her father and brother don't think that she half as clever as she thinks she is. Ha.

My cable cut out during the mutiny of the Nightwatch, but saw that the commander, Jorah's father was killed and Sam went to get the girl to escape. I will have to re-watch.

Edited by Ann_SS
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What a great scene


I liked Margaraey and Sansa's scene. I like how Marjorie planned to help Sansa out of her situation by offering to marry her off to her gay brother. That was pretty nice of her and I like how she is making for a compassionate queen. She's shaping up into one of my favorites

Edited by Cheap21
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The scene were Dany burns/kills the [!@#$%^&*] out of everyone was fantastic. That shot of the fire behind her was truly epic

You guys basically voiced all the thoughts I had about this episode!

I would also add that the production design on this show once again amazed me. The building Joffrey and Cersei showed to Maergery was stunning, and so are Grandma's gardens. Just gorgeous.

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I think the look of this show is helped by the fact that they have the budget to film on location. I thank god for that. This show would look so cheesy otherwise.

I wonder how long Varys had that Wizard locked in the box? That was pretty creepy. I love how horrified Tyrion is by some of the things that go down in King's Landing. He should ride north and join Robb.

Does anyone remember if they decided to make book 3 into 2 seasons? I'm really starting to worry that GRRM won't be able to keep pace. My dream is that the release of the 7th book could coincide with the last season of the show so that spoiling would be at a minimum, but if the show outpaces him, that's trouble, imo. I guess it could be like the Sopranos, where you don't get a season every year.

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I agree about Tyrion. He is clever and a survivor, but he is out of depth with the cruelty and ruthlessness of his family as well as the rivals at King's Landing. He would be better off with Robb or Jon, although I think that his best situation would be with Dany.

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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has become the best actor on the show, or at least he is a good actor in the best role. His scene retelling what happened at King Landing was just a guy talking and yet riveting waiting to hear what happened and why. I also loved the last bit when he corrected Brienne on his name. Tywin Lannister has to be the toughest Lannister of all, the guy just is relentless. That scene was great too and I loved how it started out brother and sister each thinking they are above the other, and by the end of it they were exactly in the same boat when it came to dear old dad.

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Best episode of the season! The ending was absolutely amazing!

I disagree about Tyrion tho. He thinks he's above Cersei in terms of intellect but I don't think he entered that meeting thinking he was going to be the "favorite" child. But Cersei? Oh hell yes!!! She expected to embarass her brother and leave the victor. She totally didnt that bomb coming and her reaction played out exactly like it did in the books (and how I imagined it in my brain).

Danys scenes were good. Despite the changes they've made to the plot involving her, Ser Barristan, and Ser Jorah they are still getting the majority of the core right....

Again this was a really strong episode despite all the changes in the Kings Landing side of things.....love me some Loras scenes...too bad that hottie was a spy

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Yeah, that was a really good scene. Cersei was gloating, but Tywin knocked her down a few notches. I almost feel sorry for her. Sansa could (and almost did) do much worse than Tyrion.

Jaime/Brieanne was interesting too. I think she won him over with the sort of unflappable honor that Ned had. Also, interesting that it may have been Ned who ruined Jaime, in a sense. It seems like he started living down to people's lowest expectations once he was named a Kingslayer.

Is Peyter romantically interested in Sansa? If so, that's beyond foul. I sort of wish Tywin hadn't found out about the Tyrell's plot.

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