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Wait...WHAT!? Lily and Damian are going to adopt Noah!? WHAT THE [!@#$%^&*], ATWT!? STOOPIT!

Because, as groundbreaking as "daytime's first mass gay wedding!!!" is, how many "mass gay weddings!!!!" happen in real life? Of course, it was a big deal, but IMO, Nelson's just mad because AMC beat OLTL to the punch.

And in regards to the last sentence...I can only imagine how many boxes of Kleenex he had ready and waiting next to him when he typed that. You *know* he only wrote it to heat up his lil loins.

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What is this trend with adults being adopted? B&B Marcus and now this. I don't get that. Something tells me if Noah called Damian "Daddy" it would be in an entirely different connotation.

I do think that OLTL could have had more promotion of their gay weddings, but then, for all I know, if they had, then people might have tuned out even more than they did. Those episodes all got 1.8, the lowest rating of the week for the show. It does suck that AMC's truly offensive wedding storyline got so much mainstream press coverage, but I don't really remember it having any effect on ratings. Did it? If I had to guess I would guess that OLTL was told they could do the story but it was not going to be trumpeted, because Frons is certainly not going to want publicity for a relationship between men. It's bad PR in the eyes of a lot of executives, because they think people are terrified of men having an intimate relationship. It's not the same as the generally leering view of two women (made even better if a manly man is on hand to turn one of them straight).

As for getting Ellen or Rosie to be involved...something tells me Rosie isn't as popular as he thinks she is.

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I don't know, but I HATE it! I do remember thinking awhile back that Lily and Holden treat Noah like a son, which is nice, but I was thinking more like son in law, not adopted son. It's beyond silly. I guess making Luke and Noah brothers is one way to make marriage gay irrelevant. :blink:

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ABC as a whole is behind the times on promotion. CBS does a far better job. They promote Y&R in primetime and I've seen banner ads for ATWT and Y&R on a number of entertainment websites on a regular basis. They also stream their soaps on CBS.com. ABC does none of that. (However I remember they did stream Night Shift on ABC.com.) They occasionally cross pollinate with The View but that's preaching to the choir. That does almost nothing to put their product in front of fresh eyes.

Promotion is a strategy not a tactic. Promoting Bianca's wedding or the mass gay wedding here or there won't do the job.

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Based on Noah fate on Friday, I suspect he gets adopted so that Luke has visitng rights or another healthcare related issue. While ATWT has not been perfect with Nuke, at least they've stuck with it. I guess I don't get all the praise for OLTL -- Dorian mocking gay marriage is certainly not a winning storyline.

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