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Y&R: Episodes Discussion, Week of Nov. 9th, 2009

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It's a little late for that. Most viewers have never seen this child and even those who have have not seen him in almost a decade. They made this character look like complete scum for months, up to very recently.

So far this business story seems like throwing random characters together to get the desired result. A few of the performances make it work but with this show it can and probably will vanish again within a month. And I still don't know why they had to put Ashley through baby torment for the entire year when her current storyline doesn't involve Faith whatsoever.

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I like that they are getting back to business stories and Chancellor's going public probably is to allow Tucker to make a big entrance, but I don't want to see Victor having to come in and rescue Kay. He needs to come back and put his two idiots sons in their place though.

I so hope the mystery woman is not Tawny which to me would be just a contrived way to make Amber, Ryder and Kevin related to Katherine. Katherine has enough family and psuedo family. Let her be friends with Kevin and Amber but they don't need to be related. Yesterday, Ryder seemed like he might not be the bad guy with everyone piling on, but today he is getting mad at Deacon for not doing what Mommy wants and going after the Baldwins. That makes no sense if he is a good guy.

I like that Lauren is on more, but I hope this story is not just about MAB and company using her to set her up as the victim to prop the new hires, Ryder and Daisy.

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Nick has no gravitas, you're right. But I think this is the point. Adam has the skills Nick needs, but he is too stubborn/principled to use them. Nick's incompetence plus his stubbornness will be the seeds of his ruin. Nick's lack of gravitas and competence will further be why he let's the fox (Jack) into the henhouse. Victor is gonna be soooo angry.

My feeling is that the sudden clunky transition we saw in September was, truly, a do-over. Move forward...reposition the stories and characters where we want them.

I guess my decades of B&B viewership have prepared me to accept these things. :lol: Chris B wrote recently that (I paraphrase) "It's November. That means B&B will be like a whole new show".

Just yesterday, I watched an old Y&R from 1986 (written by William J. Bell, Kay Alden, Jack Smith, and Sally Sussman...that was IT) and then a B&B from 1990 (written by William J. Bell, Jack Smith, Maria Arena, and Brad Bell), and I was reminded how Maria trained at the feet of the "masters" at B&B.

So, I really think we're watching a B&B style "quick repair".

If you can't accept such a thing as a viewer -- if you're haunted by the summer of darkness of 2009 -- you're screwed. Because it is a new show.

If you can, on the other hand, accept and go along with the do-over...you might be able to enjoy this new show :lol: .

I'm being mildly ironic, but seriously for me it is like this: I'm enjoying more of what I'm seeing now...heck, even Hayley Erin was palatable to me yesterday...so what point is served by my obsessing over all the mistakes of the summer (and there were oodles). For now...for today...I think the show is entertaining again.

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I don't see a lot of other choices other than turning off the show. At least TPTB seem to understand that a "do over" is needed. And while it may be a superficial thing, the introduction of Zapato2 signaled to me that they do understand that. Now we'll see if they can make it happen, but I do agree that the daily episodes are getting better and better. It's too soon to say about the big picture, imo.

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I liked Phyllis going off on Deacon. Sometimes she acts like Summer is her only child.

If he's bored maybe Graziadei won't sign a contract.

I really hope they don't try to make Deacon sympathetic. It means that the writing team really wants to keep him on the show. Plus, I'm tired of having to feel sorry for a holes. If Tawny Moore shows up I'm going to cry. This isn't B&B.

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Like always, Juliajms, you say it better and more succinctly than I!

I guess Graz's next contract comes up in Spring? I'm recalling that his last one was only for one year?

I really did enjoy seeing Phyllis out of Nick's orbit, and acting like the strong hellraiser she is.

LOL on the bolded part. With John McCook, Jennifer Gareis, Ashley Jones, Heather Tom and Don Diamont pretty much all front burner over at B&B, the B&B viewers are sobbing about the show being too Y&R infused. Because I watch both, it doesn't bother me. And, in truth, I always thought Deacon was the cat's meow.

In fact, the neutered version we saw today bothers me a little. I loved him most when he was rattling Forrester cages.

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I don't think the puppy was supposed to represent anything more than a happy sendoff for Victor, if Braeden didn't return.

I'm glad people are enjoying the show again but I guess I'm just tired of people who are supposed to be so talented and supposed to be the greatest in soap thriving on lowered expectations. They gut the very foundation of the show and then hope we will be happy if they throw a few bones to us.

If the stories still end up revolving around crazies/Victor rules all/women with no control over their lives/idiots running companies into the ground, then I'm not sure if they have significantly changed anything on the show.

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I found that scene rather entertaining because they had finally had Phyllis in that story doing what she should have been doing all along-raising hell with Deacon. I could handle Deacon as a frenemy ala Brad. She needs more of those on the show now that there is no Diane, Dru or Brad hanging around. I fear the show will do what it always does and force two people into a romantic pairing that's neither needed nor sensical. Everyone is excited to see Michelle doing what she does best because they have finally given her something to play that wasn't centered around Sharon or Nick. I mean...whew! I would prefer not to see them as a pairing just because they both yell good and can maintain eye contact.

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Allright bitches, put your earrings and shoes back on and get back to the discussion. Lately, I HAVE enjoyed this shift. Jeanne and Kristoff have incredibly good chemistry together, and it was unexpected. They really compliment each other well. Stafford HAS been on fire the last couple of days, and her and Deacon in scenes together are like a molotov cocktail ready to be thrown. I'm DREADING the Neil Ashley Pairing, because although I LOVE the idea... your'e gonna have all kinds of outcry, I can hear it now.. ( "I KNEW they'd put Neil with a WHITE WOMAN!!! I KNEW IT!!") I'm jusr really dissapointed in them not doing what they should have with Thom. Unless something changes big time... I'm NEVER going to forgive Maria for this. And what chance has he had to settle in and get a true viewer reaction, he's been on EIGHTEEN EPISODES... freaking PEARL appeared in 15! I was so looking forward to having a REAL gay SL, but I see now it was played for some quick publicity... it's like Maria got together with Sheffer and Hamner in a room and said "Well, let's trot out our token faggots for a couple dozen episodes.... we'll get Thom to do a bunch of press, cause he'll do ANYTHING for me...and then we'll ship him off. We can say wer'e diverse, without having to risk offending all the old ladies in the audience."

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