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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 12, 2009

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Alvin, your'e not going to tell me that you have to have things laid out for you that simplistically, are you? God forbid you'd try to watch LOST... you might have a nervous breakdown. We never saw her pop pills, but the scene where she asks kitty where they were... tells us what? It tells us that she WAS on medication, and she lost them, or was out of them, and she was starting to go out of control. When I watched that scene, I said to myself... "So.... the bitch is on crazy pills? This is gonna get interesting"

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Of course at some point Patty will escape and pretend to be the doctor and they can play the same story over again.

That must be some pretty special medication in that it allowed Patty to function as a high powered businesswoman(seemingly with no qualifications or experience)as Paul stated she had been practically homeless and travelled around taking low paid jobs.How he knew this was never explained.

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The problem with a Patty double isn't whether or not Stacy Haiduk can pull it off. The story itself is so weak and seems to be made up as it goes along. What does she have to pull off? It's like pulling off a band-aid, and you find another band-aid, then another, then another.

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Yup. Every word here is true too. Patty's qualifications (Kay admired her upon first meeting) are at odds with her vagrant, uneducated existence.

Then again, Victoria is a CEO without ever attending a College class!

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LOST does not have the luxury of time by airing 5 days a week like Y&R does...

By that, we can assume she was never taking pills during the whole time she was in Genoa City, not even off camera. If she was asking for them, she was obviously suffering from some type of withdrawal.

I find it very hard to believe she would be as stable as she was for those first 3 months without them.

But anyway, Patty is going away, she was only on for shock value and to wreck another core character. It's now all about her lookalike. :rolleyes:

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Finally read the entire 8 pages.......and yup I was right, lots of OT discussion and I wasn't there to "slap your wrists". :) Well at least you guys used spoiler tags and nobody slipped up.

I like it because now I get two Stacy Haiduk's. LOL This twist is what I wanted for Matt Clarke and for a way Rick Hearst could return to Y&R as a new character.

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Your'e not understanding what I'm saying. I'm saying she was ON THE PILLS FOR THOSE FIRST THREE MONTHS. The fact that she was desperate to find them, meant she had lost them or JUST ran out a few days previous. She was starting her downward spiral at that time, and she got worse as time went on.

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It would be nice if they had let us know any of this instead of us having to make it up for ourselves. Then again this is the team that had to have Eileen Davidson let viewers know that Ashley wasn't carrying a dead fetus in her womb.

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I don't think it matters anymore, because she'll be shipped off to a nuthouse and Stacy's new character will be be on the front-burner in some asinine story about Jack falling in love with the woman that was the plastic surgery model for his loony ex-wife that stalked him, raped him, and indirectly caused the death of his niece. At least that's what I see in the future...

And we have no idea if they plan on delving into Patty's past or why she is the way she is. I'm betting we'll never know, or it will be glossed over - like everything else on this show is.


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I assume TPTB hadn't anticipated Haiduk's popularity when they made Patty an irredeemable psycho and that's why they're doing this story. I'm okay with it if this new character is well developed and properly integrated into the cast (maybe as a love interest for Neil or Malcolm). I'd be prepared to forget Patty ever existed.

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And we'd have very good reason, given how ridiculous and outlandish this show has been this year.

I don't need to see another double on this show ever again, which means, it's likely to happen again anyway. <_<

Again, it's all about strategy, which the people at Y&R fail miserably at. If they wanted to bring Stacy in as a new character, at least wait until the dust was settled with Patty and a few months after the character was phased out. Granted, it would still be a stupid idea to have another doppelganger, but at least two characters with the same face wouldn't be on at the same time, even if one is going away soon. It's like how they created an asinine baby switch just as someone died and someone else was getting a heart transplant. It was a huge strategic error and too many depressing antics going on at once.

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