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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 12, 2009

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I know you didn't mean anyone specifically, but you are right, the potpourri threads were created for a reason and I have gone off topic in the main threads.

Some of us have not been a fan of this regime...pretty much ever, but others have been more supportive, and it makes me sad that their loyalty has not been rewarded. It would be nice if we could go back to the days of figuring out the symbolism of the chipmunk, and how undoing Katherine and Jill as mother/daughter would lead to great drama and showed MAB's respect for history, and all the rest. It was nice to have that back and forth between people who had different views on the show.

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IA that it does feel like the end of the 26-week story cycle. It appears that characters are now being written to accomodate whatever TIIC have in store for their characters for this cycle. And it looks like the same front-burner characters from the last cycle will still be frontburner for the next. Ugh.

This is just as bad as when GL wrote the "Crazy Philip" story for GA, but when he didn't come back they decided to use BETH as the crazy one instead. She ran around the cabin like a loon hittin people upside the head with a table leg (or something) for it seemed like MONTHS. And once they left the cabin, she was completely sane again. <SIGH>


Is there a way to contact TPTB to let them know how unsatisfied we are with the show right now?

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Is the fact that pessimism reigns a good thing or a bad thing?

But I agree, it is worth it to separate more general discussion from episode-specific stuff (even though this recent stuff is really brought on by episode-specific stuff and the launch of new stories around those episodes). I am sorry for my own part in going "off-thread".

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I think cynicism is a good thing. Pessimism about this regime, I have had ever since I heard Hogan's name listed as a headwriter. Still, I want to believe that if he goes, the show may improve. Not to excuse MAB for her own failings, or Rauch, who is a bag of tricks all his own, for his.

I thought most of your comments were on topic and very insightful. I felt like my comment were moving more in a general direction, not episode-specific, so that's why I'm glad Sylph brought up the potpurri thread.

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:(:( They must be living in Patty's world.

That's another thing that really bugged me about yesterday's show. We don't see Patty in WEEKS and when we do, her mind has apparently regressed to 1980-something?!?! WTF? Not buying it. And really don't care. With this revelation and Nikki's propping of her (which I guess no one noticed from my other post), TIIC must think that we're idiots and this is a valid redemption arc.

Then again, if the spoiler is true about MJ/Patty, I guess there won't be a redemption arc.

dmarex, now I'm thinking the speculation months ago that Adam was going to abuse Heather doesn't seem so bad now after all he's done. Not that I would have liked to add more abuse of women to the show, but if it lead to an empowered Heather getting revenge on her abuser (Adam)...then....it.........

Um. Nevermind. These writers would never do a story like that.

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Yup. BTW, now that we know Nikki "jumped out of the way" of Ashley's car, didn't she lose her necklace and cell phone? I guess I missed how Paul was able to find her when she didn't have her cell.

Sorry if I'm rehashing something that's already been addressed.

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I don't remember either. I know she had written letters to the ranch, but Adam hid them.

I'm laughing imagining Nikki jumping out of the way of the car. That was the lamest resolution to a cliffhanger, but with the very low expectations I have of the Newmans these days, I'm impressed by her instincts. Nick and Victoria probably have to have a helper to avoid walking out in rush hour traffic.

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That's their weakness. There's no good follow-up. They're weak, they don't know how to connect the dots so instead they either choose to dispense of the character or take them in a direction that we never thought they would, meaning that they would be totally out of character.

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