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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 12, 2009

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I don't think they care about follow up. They already have the ideas in their head and if viewers don't get it, too bad. It's a contempt for the soap format and soap fans. This is the third time I've seen this with Sheffer and apparently the others in charge aren't any better.

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Keep the faith guys...

Latham was eventually ousted.

When there was a really bad reaction to MAB's solo reign, change happened (it turned out to be the wrong kind of change in the long-term, but it happened).

Who is to say that there won't be some type of behind the scenes changes soon with so many people unhappy and the general ratings trend is negative?

I'm pessimistic that this current writing regime can improve creatively, but I'm optimistic about their chances of getting fired! :)

I think Maria Arena Bell is a huge cancer to this show, her solo run was a flop, and now with two different Co-Head Writers, the show is a disaster. She's a common theme here. Sheffer, as we know, is not a soap writer and drags the same inane plots from show to show. He really should have never been hired. Scott Hamner is Latham's BFF, so one has to wonder if MAB truly wanted to purge the show of Latham influences why did she keep Latham's Co-Head Writer? His solo run at PC was also ridiculously stupid.

The best thing at this point will probably be for someone to admit they made huge mistakes by letting Smith and Alden go. They might have had their problems, but they knew this show and understood these characters. If the show is ending soon anyway, and they can't find a real and truly good storyteller, than let Smith and Alden come back and write the final years of the show...

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Sadly, even if we do get new writers and producers soon, this current regime, if they last too long, might decimate the structure, core, and identity of Y&R to the point where it's unsalvageable and can't be fixed.

It will become like the final decade of GL, if it isn't already...


I knew you would say that! :lol:

But you have to admit, they were miles better than what we have now.

Would you rather stay with this regime until the show is canceled? Eh, I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

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I don't know what to tell you, the situation is pretty grim. This show has been on cancellation road ever since the year 1998 ended. 10 years of dreck must make their mark. Sure, there were brilliant moments, but it all started there.

So... I wouldn't know really.

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Well, but it was a very specific transition in Nikki that was true to her character. She was absolving Victor from blame--and Paul too--by placing the blame on a "deranged" woman. It was ultimately about defending Victor. That makes perfect sense to me...that she would at one point blame Patty (because she's never going to defend Paul or his family), but she'll turn that around right away if it helps Victor.

Nonsequitur: If Victor leaves the ranch, maybe he'll get that grand two-story condominium back??!! I love that Ashley is taking his ranch! Any hope this divorce might get a little acrimonious?? That would be fun!


I think Paul found Nikki because she didn't lose her purse/credit cards. So he was able to track her down via credit records to this expensive spa she was staying at.

Well, the least they could have done was script this line for the Psychiatrist:

"She was already deranged and childlike when she was brought in. But in the time since then I have watched her decompensate more and more, retreating into an earlier time in her life that she remembers as happy--before all the awful things occurred. This is rare, but I have seen it in the psychiatric literature. I think we have to gently nurture her delusion, because the next step for her would be psychotic catatonia."

EVEN BETTER--they would have SHOWN us this regression. ("Don't tell us, show us").

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I figured since Brad's death they would find some way to get Sharon into that house. Did they really need to kill Colleen to do it though? Her death seems to have already been forgotten and everyone is back to normal.

Again I have to ask how expensive are these fair sets, mortuary sets, teachers offices, banks, which get built for one or two days of use?

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