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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 12, 2009

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I think you are in the best of places a viewer can be. And I say that with zero sarcasm. Acceptance. Definitely acceptance. That's what I'm talking about. You're somehow able to realise all the dreadfulness this show thumps out, but also to enjoy the good moments (if there are any or if they aren't spoiled by the horror that surrounds them).

On the other hand, that's totally not the place I want to be. Perhaps idiotic, but I have a desire to fight and still foolishly hope that, hey, one day a miracle might happen. Not just in Genoa City, but all around American soap cities.

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Thanks, Sylph! And I say that with zero sarcasm as well. :)

And I don't think your outlook is idiotic at all. Different viewers watch for different things, and have different expectations.

Anyway, back on topic, it was a nice hour. Left me with a smile on my face. Not much else for me to say. Back to lurkdom. :)

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How did those producers call NBC? "Complete calamity" and "utter disaster"? Well, there's your Y&R.

The whole bigger picture spoils those "good moments". I can't fully enjoy them when everything around them are poisonous fumes and putrid smell of a rotten show.

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Exactly. I personally need consistence. I need to watch it every day and know that this is the way that the characters are supposed to react. Even if it surprises me I'd like to say "That is SO *insert character name*." However, instead so many things are left unexplained, so many characters act out of character, and so many other stuff happens that I can't stand.

I am still staying away from the show, free since July 31st.


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It's a double-edged sword. If I post that I don't like something, I get twenty responses of "Finally! You've seen the light! It's about time! Hallelujah! Bet your eating your words from a few months ago now! Told you!" And if I post something I like, I get twenty responses of "Apologist! It's a train wreck! Disaster of epic proportions! You're as bad as Nelson Branco!" [shudder]

I found it's a lot easier to watch the show objectively and decide what I like and don't like without engaging in discussions that devolve into the "us vs. them" mentality. I prefer remembering my SON friends as people whose discussions enlightened and entertained me. Truthfully, posting became decidedly un-fun during the summer. About as un-fun as the show was, if not more so.

But I digress. Wanted to address your question, but we shouldn't get off-topic. Back to the episode discussion. :)

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Do you do this with all the soaps or just Y&R? If just Y&R, what do you see in Y&R that you don't see in the other soaps? What keeps you watching it no matter how bad it is, but prevents you from watching other soaps with a similar problematic creative vision?

I personally think Y&R is just as bad as most of the other soaps on the air, so I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about this, you can take this discussion into the potpourri thread if you'd like.

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