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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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It looks like the Carrie story was planned as a one year thing from the get go and Potter agreed to that.

Jane Eliot obviously only wanted a year at the outset so that was the intent going in. 

Marland had a Plan B which Jane agreed to, having decided to stay a further year. This might have happened behind Potter's back, as Doug and Jane had a personal relationship.

Jane would have been on good money and a contract renewal would have affected the budget. So cuts would have had to happen elsewhere to cover her salary.

Potter didn't think that one story/character was worth it.

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i was in high school during his first run as ed bauer in the late 60s, and i’ve never forgotten what a huge crush i had on him. 

there is a scene between him and charita bauer when she’s chastising him for how he’s treated his father that is just riveting. tried to find it on youtube, but couldn’t. if anyone has the link, i’d love to see it.

Edited by wonderwoman1951
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RIP indeed!

His famous AMC work aside and some of those 1960’s eps I’ve seen, I always remember how badly the show mishandled his return in the 90’s. I initially liked The Bauer/Blue feud and a potential renewed relationship with Lillian but they were all completely squandered very quickly. 

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Too bad we had to see it over..and over...and over again.

Yea, weird about Gentry's return..("my" Eds were always PS and MH.) but he really had no chemistry with anyone. Say what you will about MOL, but at that time he had great friendly chemistry with everyone..except his own dad. I think the Bauer/Blue fued would have been great, if Jesse had a sister going after Bill or Nola's kid, etc but Jesse was a dud of an actor, and they just got bored of that. They got bored of anything that didn't involve Reva and that is why I really began to not like the character.


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The show before it started to fall apart...(showing its tears here...Eh...NuEd!) The rehabilitation of Brandon is odd...the storyline was dumb but its too bad they threw the Timberlaines away.  Vicky could have been a great character going against Alex...but again..."let's do another Reva storyline."

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Agree. She and Beverlee worked well together too - that same dignity with some fire underneath.

Weird seeing people and pairing in the credits already gone by this point (Grant's Philip - Rick/Mindy...the latter putting Rick/Roxy to shame in that glimpse).

Does it make me a sap to say this theme gets me a little emotional even as I don't care for most of the material in the eras it ran for.

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