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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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The Corringtons had co-created Texas, which debuted only a few weeks after this episode (August 4, 1980), so they would have been gone by then. I believe Gabrielle Upton had taken over as HW at that time.

Oh, Carl, I looked up the lyrics of the song Liza sang to Travis. It is indeed a show tune - "Come to Me, Bend to Me" from Brigadoon.

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The Corringtons' Texas material began appearing on Another World on June 30, a week after this aired. In fact, if I remember correctly, Texas was originally slated to premiere on June 30 but it was then pushed off to an August debut.

I'm not sure how true it is, but on another board, someone who claims to be a soap writer (but has never divulged their name) claims that the Corringtons contributed material to Another World from 1979 to 1980 in anticipation of the launch of Texas and that they had created the Bellmans and Kevin Cooke.

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I went back and looked up a SFT synopsis from around this time. The reason why Liza is depressed but also in denial is because she was just recently told by a doctor that she is infertile.

(Of course, we know that means nothing in soaps and Liza later had a successful pregnancy in 1983 - resulting in the birth of her son with Travis, Tourneur.)

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Oh, wouldn't it have been incredible if Sherry had worked with Nelson Riddle and others of his ilk? Maybe gone back to the stage and headlined Broadway musicals had she lived?

Going back to the scene where she is singing, notice how Rod Arrants as Travis is looking at Sherry's Liza with such love in his eyes. Then when she bolts from the piano bench after trying to give her a kiss, she has her arms up as if trying to hide. When he asks, "Liza, why are you trying to run from me?", his voice is so gentle and still hurt. I think had I been a soap fan at that time (they started on SFT around the same time I was born!) - I would have been a Travis fan and not a Luke Spencer fan. (The soap mags and books were always comparing the two around that time.)

It's a shame Rod Arrants isn't on a soap today as the patriarch of a major family. He would certainly be a major asset to any program. But with the state of the few soaps still on the air, maybe it's best that he isn't on a soap now.

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I remember when Rod was on Y&R in the late 80's as Ashley's first husband Dr. Steven Lassiter. I was shocked when they killed him off. A few years ago I read an interview with Eileen Davidson and she was asked who in the past had she worked with that she missed and would like to work with again and she said "Rod Arrants". She and Rod stay in touch.

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He was killed off in three roles that I know of - Travis on SFT, Richard on DAYS and Steven on Y&R (though in the case of Travis, I believe it was his choice to leave the show. The other two, I don't know). On DAYS, he mainly interacted with Deidre Hall/Marlena. With Eileen Davidson now back as Kristen, maybe they could resurrect Richard and give Marlena and Kristen another man to deal with.

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I would like to see Rod and Eileen together again. They could pull out the old soap ploy and say Steven Lassiter had a twin or bring him back as a new character like they did Grant Cramer and Quinn Redeker. Which reminds me, Rod was on Y&R in the early 70's as Jeff the stable boy that Katherine was screwing. So if he came back, that would make 3 times he has been on Y&R.

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I'm surprised he hasn't been back on a soap for years. When Ashley was on B&B, they should have brought him on as a love interest for her. Maybe he could have played Eric's brother, which would be funny since Barbara Crampton (Leanna Y&R) played Eric's brothers ex wife Maggie. This could have reunited all 3 actors in a storyline.

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