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ATWT: August Thread Discussion

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He could afford to enjoy it because so many other characters were dragged down for him. The constant smugness, sneering, and lack of empathy (mostly because Hunt Block was unable to play empathy, or genuine feelings for anyone), they never seemed like Craig to me. The first few years of his tenure were about various attempts to make him more sympathetic (turning Jack into an even bigger nitwit, having Barbara go insane, killing Bryant), then the last few years they seemed to give up and just turn him into a heavy.

I think Sheffer butchered Craig to fit into his smarmy antihero fantasies and it's been a mess ever since. They should have just written him out for good after they finally got rid of Hunt Block because they never have had a handle on him. The best opportunity was with Scott Bryce but they refused to take Craig back to being anything other than the dried out husk he became when Block took over.

I think Jon Lindstrom is a good actor but he's miscast as Craig.

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I'm of two different minds when it comes to Craig. I hated Block's take on him...I hated Sheffer's "vision". But that being said, I completely don't understand firing Scott Bryce--who could have totally given Craig some much needed humanity without this cloying, overwrought, determined-to-believe Carly's the only reason he's a "better man"---story. Especially when less than a year later, they've hired a softer, gentler, determinedly "quirky" Craig in his place, and put him on a redemptive course anyway.

It's like TIIC are trying to rehab eight year's worth of Craig destruction in three months. It reeks. And I ain't buying. It was bad enough Carly was willing to "forgive" his past. The fact it looks like Rosanna is headed down the same path sickens me. God forbid a woman be a "bitch" and tell a man exactly what she thought of him.

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I think Ro and Carly have both done that, the problem is it was supposed to be the first step in Craig showing them they are wrong and the women eventually agreeing. I'd love it if Ro would have stuck to her guns, but it's clear she'll be forgiving Craig any day now, which is just :rolleyes:

I also think it's ridiculous that Carly would ever forgive Craig for what he did to Gwen and Ro. It would have made more sense to bring back Sierra or try Craig with Lily, Janet or even Audrey, if she is sticking around. Lily has reason to hate Craig, but I'd sooner believe she or Sierra would give him another chance then Carly or Ro would ever get mixed up with him again. If they put him with Teri, I will be ill. She should be with someone Casey's age.

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Thank you...that is exactly the single most irritating point in Craig's story for me. The little ladies can cut him down by throwing unsavory aspect of his life in his face, but the Big Tough Man is gonna show them just how wrong, vengeful and ultimately needy they are. What bull. And every time Craig got in Carly's face and told her she "couldn't throw him out because she secretly "really liked him" was more belitting, sexist CRAP.

I nearly lmao the day Craig incredulously said he'd never look twice at someone so young! SINCE WHEN? I'd believe Craig wouldn't use her for anything but sex, faster than I'd believe he wasn't interested in having his ego stroked by a 20-something hottie.

Part of the fault lies in the endless fixation of Goutman in recasting "core family members" instead of bringing new blood to town. Other than Janet and Lily---is there a woman (aside from his sisters) he HASN'T nailed? Oh...Alison. But her vajayjay has a waiting list. *eyeroll*

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Did my ears deceive me, or has JP completely lost what little sense she had left? Did they actually say that Jude Law was interested in Noah's student film after reading his (unfinished) script??!!

Just when you thought this show was improving!! :rolleyes:

To top of that we got to listen to Noah whining that Luke didn't want him to meet his family, and that's why he wanted him to go to L.A.. Yeah, because that's why they were all coming to Oakdale,to meet you Noah!! :rolleyes:

Apart from that, and the unfortunate appearances by Damian and Meg (<_< ), today was an ok show. Great to see Lucinda again, and especially to have her in a scene with Emma!

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That last scene with Bob and Kim almost made me tear up. It's so nice to see my ATWT, for however brief a time. Wonderful work from Kathryn Hays.

I was hoping we might see Nancy but I know Helen Wagner probably doesn't work very often now. When was the last time they showed her?

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It's refreshing to see Judi Evans, IMO a wonderful actress. As much as I am sick of Meg, I believe Marie Wilson is acting circles around Noelle Beck throughout this Holden mess. That's saying a lot, I'm sure. I am slightly convinced she is deeply upset over losing her brother, and going through the gamut of emotions. However, I don't really buy Lily's upset over Holden's death. For all I know, she *is* just feeling guilty that she kissed some other dude right before he "died."

I was very intrigued by this Lily-Damien dynamic previously, and to a small extent still. Though now with her depending so much on him and all up in his mix, it just feels tasteless. No way would I think its cool to accompany my shady ex-husband/boyfriend to my *husbands* funeral. From the previews, it does seem like Damien is a few steps away from giving Lily *the business*.

I think to myself, is this really appropriate? Isn't this too soon? Didn't Holden "die" like technically 2 days ago? I'm conflicted on those two at the moment... Otherwise, I enjoyed today's eppy overall. Another thing that stood out for me, and I really enjoyed, was when Janet ran off to "get the insurance card and a couple bucks for the co-pay." Small detail, but I swear sometimes they run up in the hospital like that *ish is free!

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I'm glad we got to see Seth again. Steve Bassett is aging well, he has a silver fox style now, and I have to give him credit, even though he only worked with Kathleen Widdoes and briefly Michael Park, he fit right in as someone who had known Jack and Brad all his life, and as a loving brother to Meg. I hope this will encourage ATWT to bring other Snyders back for visits before the show ends. Remember all the years when Meg or Seth or Caleb would drop in for visits?

Nice to see Aaron again too.

Did they mention Abigail?

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Just to bump this up....I can't be the only one completely annoyed by the Liberty's pregnancy story. I seriously want to tie Julie Pinson's hands down, all that arm-waving she does induces some sort of sea-sickness in me.

And I'm really put off by the Craig/Ro dynamic. SaintCraig is boring. But to see Rosanna seething with a barely contained jealousy over pipsqueakTeri doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Interesting how Lindstrom just yapped on the emmy red carpet about "Craig moving forward" when he came back, and ever since Ro returned to town, she's regressed and obviously falling for Craig in spite of their past. I would have much rather seen Ro be a bitch and ride Craig's ass---but to have her be one hundred percent correct and nail Craig and save Carly from his clutches. (if indeed she still needs to be saved.) At least that would have been juicy drama. This crap where Craig's micromanaging teenagers' lives while patiently proclaiming his love for Carly---*eyeroll*. I wouldn't trust Craig if he told me the sky was blue.

And I really don't want to see a Willen redux, where Parker's standing by his little woman. I was finally glad to see Parker staying away from Liberty and moving on with his life. Getting sucked into Liberty's problems---YAWN.

Still don't like Audrey or Lynn Herring. It's killing the James/Paul story for me.

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