Members Angela Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 North/Kendall/Zach/Madison: North's going to make sure Kendall goes to jail for life. They go back and forth. North realizes Kendall's been trying to keep him busy while Zach works on the wife at the casino, leaves. Zach is trying to work wife at the casino. They exchange comments about "fake" marriages. North later comes in, confronts Zach about what he and Kendall were doing. North takes his wife out of the casino, she has a gambling problem. North snarls when Zach tells Madison to call him whenever. Zach calls Kendall. Next thing we know Z/K are at the hospital. They talk to Jesse about looking into North's past - violence, abuse - comment on North's wife reactions. Jesse wants them to stop taking the law into their own hands after realizing North was at the house. Zach is irritated, takes Kendall and leaves. North confronts Jesse, wants him to get the evidence on Kendall...and arrest Zach for shooting at an officer on the night of the murder. Jesse is all like "nah" and gives "Hank" a long lecture on how all powerful Zach is and how is M-I-L is Erica (dude is in love with Zach). He also somewhere in there brings up the fact that the shot landed 15 yards away from any officer. Anyways, North brings up how he can turn the officers against Jesse for not defending one of their own, heh. Jesse is basically cussing at North, and North is a little embarassed when Randi walks in on that. At home, Zach makes mobster like comments about how he'll handle North - about who needs to be afraid of who. Madison calls Zach, she's crying but doesn't talk. Kendall wants to call Jesse in case Madison is bad off, Zach is like "No, Jesse isn't an expert in saving vaginas." HIGHLIGHT: The new Quad. Adam and Erica are having one of their fun exchanges at the dress-shop. Snark, snark. Annie and Ryan are having a less fun exchange at the mansion, he confronts her on wanting to kill him with the poker. She accuses him of being paranoid and crazy. Back at the dress shop, Adam reacts to Erica saying she's bringing Ryan to the dinner. He tries to act amused and indignant on Kendall's behalf, but he obviously has a twinge of a problem with Erica bringing a young stud to dinner instead of her lap dog. Ryan goes to pick up her stud and they discuss mission "get to Annie." Ryan is all like I'll handle Adam while you handle Annie, and she's all "pfft, I can handle Adam." And Ryan's all "is there anybody you can't?" Heh. Then finally we get to the really good stuff, the dinner. Adam barely acknowledges Ryan. He asks Erica what she wants to drink, doesn't ask Ryan. He gets in a few jokes - he forget the beer keg, lol. Erica is like Annie must be handling the idea of this grouping well, not. Adam is all like she is handling it well, Annie comes in. Annie's ready to rumble in a good way (keeping her cool). So Adam's checking her out which makes Erica get more nasty. Annie and Erica trade some great criminal record barbs, lol. Emma is brought up, and Annie breaks a glass with her bare hands. Hee. Annie's handling herself well, until Ryan gets a call form Corrina (or does he?). She begins losing her cool, Erica sees it and plays on the Emma card more. Erica counters Annie telling her that Emma wants to be just like her when she grows up with a barb and an "oh, Emma asked me to take her to New Beginnings "for bring your daughter to work day." Annie's practically popping a blood vessel, lol. Adam breaks it up. Later, Ryan and Erica are at penthouse and are trading notes on how Emma seems to flip Annie's crazy switch. Ryan asks Erica out on a real date. She accepts. He kisses her on the cheek. They're both affected and I shudder a little. Back at the mansion, Adam is supportive of Annie and she adores that and pulls him into a long, long, long kiss. I shudder a little. There was stuff with Mittens too. Jesse told Randi not to worry "her pretty little head off" at one point. What ass-holeish writing. I hated that. Mittens is angry that he can't move hands, pushes Randi away again. Mittens later moves fingers, but Randi is already near North and North is making a move on her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members detroitpiston Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Annie vs Erica Denise Vasi & Darnell Williams "acting" Frankie being able to move his fingers but no one being around Stephanie G Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members rsmith2k2 Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Agreed. Actual think Vasi was better today. Dialogue seemed so awkward today for me. I don't know who wrote the ep. I expected to enjoy the dinner party (have enjoyed Erica vs. Annie) more than I did. I enjoyed the build up to the dinner party with Erica and Adam at the shop then each of them convincing Ryan and Annie to attend. The party itself, not so much. I wish I weren't led to believe Annie was getting it together already to find her nearly out-of-control. Whiplash, back and forth...pick a personality and stick with it. kthx. Not really looking forward to Erica and Ryan pushing her violent crazy buttons even though I do understand why both Erica and Ryan feel the need to get Annie back in The Big/Crazy House. Ryan's whisperspitting to scheming Annie over Emma's custody. I've seen that scene a time or billion. Jesse's running around protecting Zach to the prosecutor and sharing info with Zendall? His conversion is complete. Why must Zendall destroy North and Wife? Why not prove Kendall's innocence, find the guilty party? Alicia looked mighty fine today. TK was channeling his inner GoodFella in some of the Casino scene. Won't someone outlaw casinos in PV? The North actor is good and interesting. I think he has better chemistry with Vasi than CS. He even got Kendall seeming alive with snark intact for a few minutes. Zach is the expert Jesse is not on what exactly...marriage? Being stuck in an unhappy marriage? Unclear to me but made me laugh. I found myself wishing Liza would come on screen today. Angela, "Mittens" is just wrong but made me Speaking of Mittens he was mostly intolerable. Is Randi gonna to be actually tempted/sleep with North? Did ya catch the cutaways from North's fingers' touching Randi to Mittens bandages? Hmmmm..... Ms. Randi needs some touch. Frankie listen to your mama and quick, get your behind to PT quick. I feel like Taylor needs to come in yell at him like she used to, she'd be a help here as his friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alexisfan07 Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 I agree, pick a damned personality. And I read coming up. I mean, how stupid. OMFG! GBR over here!!! Yea, they've been dressing Alicia better these days. Yes, he is. It's too bad Yeah, Taylor is sorely underused. I love me some Beth Ehlers and I hope she gets her big story with Tad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted June 24, 2009 Author Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 I don't get how North deduced Kendall and Zach's plan or how Zach deduced Madison was an abused wife, more or less ... practically without even talking to Kendall BUT even after talking to her. Madison didn't seem jumpy or scared, a little obedient - that's it. North did seem to really resent his wife when talking to Kendall, but until recently (still?) Zach has resented his wife and that translates to violence, how? That was all stretching it a little bit. Erica is much more concerned about getting Annie in jail than her daughter's situation. That would make sense if she thought Annie killed Stuart, and she doesn't - at least not yet. Stretching it. I do get looking for blackmail leverage (though not when Zach gets all mobster-lite about it) because I see North as behaving badly in concern to Kendall; he doesn't want Jesse to look at anybody else because Kendall is his ticket. North abusing his wife is bad press which he wouldn't want out because his goal seems to be higher office. You're totally right though, looking for the guilty party would be more productive or maybe just less criminal. Reminds me of Kendall's plot against Greenlee, it was so convoluted (and illegal) when she could have just provoked a confession out of Greenlee and taped it. I don't think getting the real killer out would be as easy here as getting a confession there, but still. Don't count on it, Pratt likes to keep us guessing. Ridiculous. She's sane when he wants, insane when he wants and then he might or might not give us an ultimate answer. Then we have to accept "what was" and "what is" when he finally makes up his mind, if he does. If she's still insane (is always thisclose to killing somebody when they taunt her a little bit) she does need to be put away to get help even if she taunts Ryan, lol. If she's not insane stop playing the angles that show that she clearly still is thisclose to murdering people. He likes leaving all doors open, therefore the guessing game. He doesn't know what he'll want to use or do next week versus this week. He does have better chemistry with Vasi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Jumping to conclusions? Maybe a Rebecca Taylor day? Anyway, I do have to say that I found out via gossip blogs that Denise Vasi (now-27) used to date Russell Simmons (now-51). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members rsmith2k2 Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Perhaps she would have been better for Adam then Annie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted June 24, 2009 Author Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Kate Hall. Yeah, there was some controversy (gossip) surrounding the break-up of his marriage and how his relationship with Vasi contributed to that pre-AMC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alwaysAMC Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Annie/Erica/Adam/Ryan = hysterical, brilliant, and priceless. This whole idea is entertaining and brilliant. MCE looked HOT when she entered the dinner party. I loved the Erica/Annie exchanges. The North/Madison thing brings new energy into Zach/Kendall - so that's good. Really enjoying AMC this week with the new stories. On vacation tomorrow - won't be watching and posting for a week or so Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members All My Shadows Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Adam/Ryan/Erica/Annie = !!!!!!!! I love it. Oh my, I didn't know Stephanie Gatschet could act. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Erica was begging to be stabbed again today. Those scenes were great. I love how Annie handled her. Such bitchiness on both their parts. Looks like we have the makings of a good feud here Does anyone care about the Zach/Kendall shi-t? YAWWWNNNN. They are easily the worst part of the show Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members cct Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 Whatever happened to a simple, "Discuss, Dammit!"? I was loving today; I usually do enjoy a Kate Hall script. I think she tries to give it her all. And she didn't disappoint me with the dinner party. Could it be that Erica is breathing new life into the character of Ryan? Anything to get him away from KenLee or the self-righteous act with Annie. And I am liking the DA/wife mix-up with Zendall. Not that any of the recent additions to the show are any great shakes, but at least we're past Vasi and Mon-Grief. Again, love that North is involved with Randi, but would care much more if a better actress were there to pick up the storyline and make me care. Pratt's been doing pretty good since the lead-up to shooting Stuart, so I imagine it'll all go bust here in a week or two. He just is a premature storyline ejaculator. No sense of beats and playing them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 I'm glad you've been into the show since Stuart's murder -- I haven't. It started getting into that "hmmm... let's just toss [!@#$%^&*] up against the wall until we notice what sticks" territory again. I simply can't get behind story where David is the most evil person because Arlene accidentally knocked the Libidizone out of his hand into the punch bowl a decade ago crap. I tend to enjoy Kate Hall days so I hope it's not too dreadful (although, during that weirdness in January, even her days were filled with WTF moments). I do think, however, that MCE is brilliant with the kind of dry wit that Susan Lucci is fantastic with as well, so that will incline me to watch tonight. I think MCE is at her best when it comes to camp. Not many people are. I think that's why Pratt writes for Annie -- because both character and actress are perfect candidates for Melrose Place-esque camp. But, I just wish we can get beyond Psycho Annie and get back to Crazy Annie... because Crazy Annie was crazy like a fox. Psycho Annie is just Janet Green 20 years later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Steve Posted June 24, 2009 Members Share Posted June 24, 2009 It was definitely an off day for Kate Hall. Yesterday's script by Rebecca Taylor was better! On paper, the new quad sounds fun but it wasn't witty or even campy. It was just Erica/Ryan trying to push Annie's buttons and for the most part succeeding. The writing is so slanted to make Ryan the hero and Annie the psycho that it's not enjoyable, imo. Zzzendull's current plan to bring down the DA makes them seem guiltier to me. I love the actor playing North, though, and I agree with the poster who said he's got great chemistry with DV. Mittens' little pity party is growing old really fast. I'm glad Pratt added the North twist to give the story some life. It also seems somewhat insulting that Mittens could suddenly move his fingers when he was alone, meaning that his injury will most likely not be permanent. With Brot in Pine Valley, I thought the writers had learned that a character can live with disabilities that aren't miraculously cured. I was wishing Liza would be on too to add some spark! The show seemed a little dull compared to Tuesday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 25, 2009 Members Share Posted June 25, 2009 Pratt can go to hell for trying to turn Frankie & Randi into TC & Eve Russell. And of course nobody supposed to feel empathy for or "be able to get into" a injured military veteran but CAN feel empathy for every other dude in Pine Valley. Including pillars of light Adam, David, Tad, Ryan, Zach, Jake, Aidan, Jack, Brot & JR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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