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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I'll pick Cher to play Katherine. She's the only other (female) actor I can think of who's had probably as much plastic surgery done as Jeanne Cooper.

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I'm not a TS-hater. I can see different strengths in all three actresses. I am not really hung up on who plays Colleen, but the character needs to be front-burner. She's the young Abbott heroine. Not Chloe or Amber or Jana. Colleen is Jack's niece and the closest thing he has to a child on canvas. She's taking on TGVN and is well-positioned for rivalries with Victoria and Chloe and even Lily. Down the line, she should be competing with Billy over Jabot and she should be a love interest and/or enemy to Adam. She can even function as a future spoiler in the eternal Shick/Phick story. The character of Colleen has too many natural story possibilities to be shoved onto the backburner. They can keep TS or replace her. I am indifferent really about TS or Leon or someone like Rachel Melvin in the role because I don't think the role is demanding & difficult in the way that Victoria is.

It was there. Adam is too determined though to let personal feelings for Ashley or Estella get in the way of his scheme. He was ready to torpedo Heather's career with the diary scheme and he genuinely loved her back then. I don't think Adam is a sociopath or crazy, I think he's prone to obsession, especially when it comes to revenge. That's very similar to how Victor and Jack operate.

Chris Engen is way hot. More than that, the man can freaking act. He's very subtle, very naturalistic. Adam is an especially difficult role to play because Adam is a great liar and a great actor. Engen is playing Adam, who is playing the nice guy reformed convict.

MJ and the cat! So awesome. I am loving the MJ/Jack/Sharon triangle because it's unrequited love all around. Summer was so excited to Sharon. Has the kid ever been that animated before?

Clementine Ford is a lousy Mac if the point of Mac's return is to reunite Billy/Mac. She has no sexual chemistry with BM. She does have some spark with DG's Cane though.


Kay the Movie

Katherine...Lauren Bacall

Jill...Susan Sarandon

Amber...Anna Faris

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I don't know if Y&R cares about putting Colleen front and center. I'm sure they could replace TS if they wanted to, as they could with Victoria. I think they now prefer to keep the female characters in limited roles, especially involving business dramas.

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Re Tues

Is Jeanne Cooper ever going to get a day off??

The Paul/Nikki scenes were sweet and pointed out how badly this story has been told.It could have been a great love story or a tale of two old friends who finally realise their friendship is more special than a romance.Instead we got a few scenes here and there.

But please,not another marriage for these two-between them,they've hit double digits.

it might be refreshing to see two characters who reject marriage and just choose a committment.

Adam the villian is certainly interesting to watch.He could become a major presence,if he isn't forced to play second fiddle to Victor but that won't happen.Like seeing Ashley's soft side with him.Adam/Ashley could have worked had he not been the one gaslighting her.

By the way,shimmying up and down trellises while blind is quite a feat.How did he get access to the sonogram,and Sabrina's stuff?

Hate the insta plots

1.Daniel and the agent.Why did the guy have to buy the drawings in the first place and then come back.Why not approach Daniel directly??After flashing the badge,Daniel immediately agrees.This story can only improve,but it seems like a plot to break up Daniel and Amber.

2. Hey Amber,wanna be a screenwriter Sure!!being a designer and author is a breeze so why not?

So Nina is still in town,but what we want to see-discussion about Phillip(111 and 1V)doesn't happen.

Where has Noah been during all of this?If they're not going to write for him,say he has been staying with Doris.

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I completely agree. There are so many stories for Colleen. Like I said the other day, they need to either start using TS a lot more or recast. I don't care which. But Colleen in a more central role is all but necessary. The stories she should have all but write themselves. In fact, I can see her being Nick's Ashley or Adam's soulmate, after she destroys Vikki's marriage. Victor is half way to hating her which makes it even better.

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it happened with Sheffer on Days.

Cat would be fantastic, but i forsee them writing Nikki off.

this made me LOL and idk why.

LOL! Thankfully when im drunk im out and typing on the iphone? Well thats a bitch sober, let alone drunk.

Anyways, as for Y&R in its current state.. hers my view. Its good. And just that, good. Its far from bad. Nowhere near unwatchable, but its also not greatness. I dont ask for much tho from soaps, all i really want is for charatcers to be in character and the show to entertain me for an hour, and Y&R does that. I also think it has much more of an overall plan than yall are giving it credit for.

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I agree and in fact, Leon was used a whole lot more than Sursok has been used. It remains to be seen whether it's TPTB that don't want to use her or if she just doesn't make the time since she's off chasing her movie star dreams. Either way, the character should be an integral part of the show and she's not. Personally, I'm thankful that Sursok's time on screen is minimal.

MTSRocks: Great spoiler, BTW!!!! It will be interesting to see how all of it plays out, I just hope we're not disappointed!

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