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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I hope not. I loved his little cry of Victory when he got the ankle monitor off. I think he could be a fun villain if given the opportunity. I also see traces of vulnerability in him. I think Ashley is starting to thaw him out a bit. I'll be interested in seeing his reaction tomorrow when she tells him Heather isn't his only friend. For me, Adam is a definite high point of the show.

My low point is that the C stories aren't being shown enough.

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Oh, he's in character alright and he's been this way from jump street. Victor, Jack and even Heather I can see his motivations for revenge, BUT, Rafe/Estella I'm puzzled about.

Moral compass, please, Adams's faking blindness is a real slap in the face to Hope. Of all the afflictions/illness to choose from , he picks the very one she had. I understand why (easier to pull off) , but come on how demented is that. He really must hate his mother.

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I hope not, too. However, they need to closely steer him off of that villainy and make him a redeemable character. Once someone becomes irredeemable in fans’ eyes, it’s bye-bye for me. That’s what I’m afraid of.

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I think Estella and Rafe are innocent bystanders who the writers have introduced to us to reveal how immoral Adam is.

When he ultimately fails, we'll see him be the little pitiful boy he always was. That'll be the humanizing element.

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Oh don't even get me started on that. A visionary impaired man that jumped his way out a second story window in to at least shrubs of bushes. By the way did he lose weight on his ankle bone or am I missing something? After jumping Adam walked himself blindly into the woods all in the nick of time to get back before another knock on his door. It's plausible he didn't run into Heather on his way I guess, or that she didn't notice him climbing up to his room *sighs*. I'll suspend all disbelief....

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Here's what I'm learning about MAB's style - she waits till things allign and people are in a vaccuum until they do

Exhibit A: Jill has the goods on Victor and could easily blow up Ashley and Victor's relationship. That can't happen yet till Jill loses her money and her alliance with Gloria and Jeffrey is further cemented, Ashley and Victor need to experience more with the gaslighting stuff and have more stress in the relationship. Therefore, Jill will just sit on this info for no good reason till the rest of the story catches up to her.

Exhibit B: Phyllis has the goods on Sharon, sleeping with Billy. Yet Phyllis can't tell Jack yet, cause there's more movement needed in her pregnancy s/l and more development in the MJ s/l as well.

There's plenty more, but these illustrate my point clearly. I see what you all mean about the pacing. These people would never hold onto such secrets and there's no justifucation for them doing so that's been clearly explained.

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