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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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The show isn't that great, and for many of us, is sinking to levels of being absolutely unwatchable. Y&R is just like every soap, it might have its stable moments of being OK, but it can all change in a minute.

These flashes of greatness can apply to almost any show on television.

You mean we don't get treated to enough "Well, this is how it's all playing out in my mind" when we name a certain flaw on this show? If it's not on-screen, it's not happening at all.

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and why hasn't Sharon gone to the Doctor to see IF she really is knocked up ??!?!?! it could be a hysterical pregnancy!!

Daniel - did you check out this guys credentials first??? what if you are being hired to make the counterfeit paintings?!?!?!?

Ashley - MOVE OUT OF THAT DAMN HOUSE and back in at the Abbott Motel!!! I am sure all of Sharon's re-decorating has been undone!!!

Nikki - it is called DIVORCE you don't have to get the ex's blessing to get re-married!!!

Vicitoria - Grow the HELL UP!!!!

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Y&R doesn't suck. That's an exaggeration. It does feel very uneven and rushed at times though. Whatever happened to the standard "If you hate the show so much, why continue to watch?" I still enjoy certain parts of the show, and I think MAB has just reached a creative slump at the moment. If the show was like the rest of daytime, I wouldn't be watching. But there is still a lot to enjoy on the Y&R, and in a way it balances out the sh!t because those stories are rarely shown, or resolved in a matter of weeks (which is a problem in itself because it should have never started to begin with).

Oh, and I'm on team Jill/Jeffrey/Gloria! This is much better having these three dysfunctional outsiders bonding than watching them yell at each other. If TPTB are determined to keep Gloria, then pair her with the likes of the Chancellors/Abbotts/Newmans, because Chapman is better in that capacity.

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Surely you CAN'T be serious!?!

All great fiction works on a denotative and connotative level. Sure, there is what they tell us... But then what we do with that...the symbolism we find...the backstories we connect to...the understandings of characters that we use to "fill in" what we're seeing.

I disagree entirely--entirely--with this part of your assertion. In fact, fiction that puts TOO MUCH of the details out for me is fiction I tend to avoid. In contrast to what I wrote above, I actually LIKE to be challenged by fiction...to have questions I'm struggling to answer. But I think Y&R tries to straddle that line between "pre-digested storytelling" (because of the timeslot and audience), and something a bit more challenging.

It's all fine and good for you to say Y&R is no different/better from other soaps. But I have had to be at home this week, and I've watched other shows live. For the most part, they are shrill, broad, not rooted in history, and very conflict-driven. Not fun at all. Are you sure you want to say Y&R is no different/better? Really?

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I think w were all hoping for a better shaped sweeps period. November sweeps was pure perfection, March was pretty good and this one was hyped to be the best of them all. There's big stuff happening but it's not as cohesive or put together as I would have liked

That said - I still love the hell out of this show and it's still my fave show on TV - not daytime, but TV. It's still damn good, just surprised to see the cracks.

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Sigh. The cat.

I'm surprised you haven't all started your "Dr. Evil" jokes. That was...corny. My viewing partner said "that immobile thing must be a stuffed animal". Which, if true...is even worse. What kind of mockery-of-a-psycho calms herself down by stroking her stuffed p.ussy-cat? I thought, after the chipmunk, we were done with stuffed animals.

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