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Full credits:
The twins were played by Thad Luckinbill; but also his real-life twin Trent Luckinbill appeared briefly as one of the twins or as a body of one of the twins.

Edited by janea4old
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Speaking of the Luckinbill family and AW.

Thad's uncle Laurence Luckinbill (Where the Heart Is and The Secret Storm) recently published a juicy memoir where he admitted to cheating on Robin Strasser (OG Rachel) during their marriage with both men and women.

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This helps explain just why his performance of the bi guy who left his wife for another man in Boys in the Band felt so real. That's still the main place I know him from - wonderful work. He, Keith Prentice and Peter White were so enthralling to watch.

Reading a bit about it on DL it reads as if he might blame his brief flings with men on being groomed when he was a teenager, so I guess he may not see himself as bi anyway. 

Also seems to be some revelations about more tense moments with Lucille Ball...sadly, that's not a surprise.

Edited by DRW50
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I recently re-watched 1970's Boys in the Band, and realized how well-acted and written it really was. Soap actors for the win! (Keith Prentice from Dark Shadows, Peter White from AMC, Reuben Greene from AMC Robert La Tourneaux from The Doctors, Laurence Luckinbill from The Secret Storm).

I can only imagine the avalanche of hysteria that the film must have engendered among hyperventilating, pearl-clutching conservatives 50+ years ago.

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That was more of a time of experimentation in film, I suppose - some of the films that were mainstream successes at that time would cause jaws to drop today (I was just rewatching They Shoot Horses, Don't They not long ago), but when I first heard of/saw the movie I was surprised. And so much of it has held up today, no matter how much we think we've progressed. 

I avoided the Ryan Murphy adaptation at all costs.

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I was inspired to read it because of DL, and it was a bit more nuanced.  He questioned his sexuality because of his experiences during his adolescence and the times, which didn't allow for any discussion of the impact.  Then he fell for a fellow actor.  But he realized that drugs and alcohol, as well as dissatisfaction in his marriage, affected his decision.  So, he never sought male companionship afterward.  However, he credited Boys in the Band with helping understand the difference between men in a consensual relationship and the grooming he experienced in his youth, thus there was no “blame” implied or inferred.

He regrets how he made Robin Strasser feel by leaving their marriage.  But, it was very volatile, and he often felt neglected by her commitment to her career advancement.  Which is an interesting insight into some of the characters that she played. 

Edited by j swift
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Out of morbid curiosity, I felt compelled to watch the newer, Ryan Murphy version...just to see how badly they might screw it up. (I find so many remakes to be pointless, poorly done and ultimately annoying.)

All of those adjectives describe RM's adaptation, IMHO. It was just...bland and inferior and lacked the raw power of the original.

Curiosity killed the cat, as they say.

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