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Another World

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Right. And while I generally loathe insta-relative retcons, I swallowed my distaste because because bringing in another Matthews at least gave Aunt Liz more to do.

ITA. The audience might have been more agreeable to accepting a new Steve if the true version of Alice did.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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Julia (like Sally) was not an infant when she was adopted, so I trust Dr Dunning was not required for any part of the procedure.

Sally was supposed to be in Boston for boarding school between Cathy Greene and Julie Philips and she had a lot of SORASing to fit in in about 7 months. I have always imagined that Kevin must instead have been born between Julie Philips and Jennifer Runyon which was a gap of about 6 months in real world time. According to the AWHP during that period Sally was supposed to have left for Chicago (to study nursing). Being in Chicago seems to fit better with the proximity to Dr Dunning and David Thatcher as well. I know that the Thatchers and/or Royal Dunning were said to be located in relatively nearby Crystal Lake and that was the inspiration for Cass' drag name.


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The only time I felt some sexual heat between Rachel and Mitch was in St. Croix, but of course Rachel was faking that. And i certainly never detected any intellectual connection, given that Espy played Mitch as if he’d had part of his brain surgically removed.

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Dadgum you! Made me snort laugh. Clearly none of us are Mitching It Up!!! 

And, the only people I ever bought Felicia with were Wally & Cass, non-romantic and Zane. So, as far as marrying Felicia, well they both wore the suit well. 

St. Croix was sexy because it was exotic & the danger level was so incredibly high. It could easily have been Rachel who died instead of Janice!!! 

(I know she wasn't in a suit for that wedding. J/K.) 

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It does. But the hospital didn't even play a major role after JFP left, so the intro was quite unnecessary. 

I just liked theme song as it had hints of the "Take Me Away" theme. I loved the shot of the gyroscope as it brought back the theme of interlocking rings. The shot of the shadowed-out couple was a hint of the kissing couple in the early 80s theme. 

I never got the visual shots though of them walking around a city. That just did not go with the theme at all. 

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Hey, I hate it but that doesn't mean it's not appropriate to post it & make a note of when it began, etc. I call the finale the most hated soap finale ever & I still post it on June 24-25, ya know?!

With the percussion & coloring it also evokes NYPD Blue, as well as ER. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Again, I am in the minority as I loved the show's finale. Yes, the Carolyn the Gorilla bit was stupid, but those last few minutes with Vicky Wyndham touching the picture frames, ascending up the stairs with Charles Keating, and the final shot of Douglas Watson was chef's kiss for me.

I loved the closing theme too. I also miss Another World's freeze frames as the end of the episode too. I feel like they elevated the drama. 

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The thing for me is that I don't hate the theme music as much as the actual opening puzzles me at points. Why did Grayson McCouch get like six shots throughout, but Alice Barrett and Stephen Schnetzer only get one that you blink if you miss? Well, I can guess why, but still. 

Not to mention, did JFP think Another World was set in NYC or Chicago because they were walking around the city? It's no doubt she was inspired by ER, Chicago Hope, and NYPD Blue. 

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Yes, walking around a city & looking, like confused? Sure looks like a huge city, very urban. But, remember, JFP said she couldn't understand who was who & what was what? In both sets & in people, she didn't understand, at all, and that's from what she herself said. So she tied us to a new block set of 4 sets from her point of confusion. And then we were stuck. because the studio had very finite amount of set space, where these sets then dictated story location. Everything had to be about the hospital, or the cop shop, or the newspaper or Carlino's Restaurant, unless it was in the Cory home. Why didn't she just ask to have the town history & the character's histories explained to her?

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In order to inspire a new line of discussion, I thought we could play a little game.

Match the Thumbnail to the Love Twin - Victoria or Marly?  I've taken random thumbnails from Eddie Drueding's page and you must guess, Victoria (a) or Marly (b).

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The person with most correct, in the fastest time, wins a night in the hidden basement room of the Love Mansion

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