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I have brought this over from the recasts thread.

I only know Morgan Fairchild by appearance. Does she always play a vixen? 

In a Bay City with both Rachel and Iris, would you see her main storyline linked to them or would she focus on other things? 

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I don't know about Morgan Fairchild as Alice. Maybe she was too young at that time?

Was her Jennifer always bitchy from the outset? From SFT on, Morgan seemed to play that character only.

But I like the idea of Alice taking a turn to the dark side. If Rachel could reform, the surely Alice could devolve. It would have been an interesting twist.

Alice should have been angry that Rachel got a happy ending but she lost Steve. Some moves to discredit Rachel and maybe an unholy alliance with Iris.

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Based on their dates of birth in Wikipedia, Courtney would have been 28 when she left the role in 1975 and Fairchild 25. Not an insurmountable difference in terms of age, although of course manner and performance can make a big difference in how big the difference seems.

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This is weird memory, (and not Another World) but I was a very young kid and my mom watched soap operas during the day.  I can vividly remember watching which I now know as Search for Tomorrow and the only scene I remember was a like prison setting and Morgan Fairchild was being harassed in jail by some women, I think it was either a laundry or cafeteria scene.  I think she was locked in a cooler or laundry room by some women, at the time I didn't know why or the context, but I do remember that scene.

Could she have played Iris when the recast came in the late 80's?  Granted at the time, she was a "bigger" star than that, but just pondering the thought.

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Not always.  In "The Seduction," for example, she portrayed a TV news personality, who was stalked by a psychotic photographer, played by Andrew Stevens.  (And then there was the time she portrayed Sandra Bernhard's lesbian gf on "Roseanne," lol.)

Granted, it was all before my time, but from reading synopses and such, it seems like Alice sort of devolved into a victim, or at least one of those hapless, put-upon types that always had to suffer nobly.  I think casting someone like MF and then writing to her strengths -- if not as an outright vixen, then certainly as someone who could be very sultry -- might have prevented that from happening.

Certainly, any smart HW would keep the Rachel/Alice rivalry alive, since they were (or could have been) to AW what Viki and Dorian were to OLTL.  But, Alice, as played by someone like MF, could be spun off into other story orbits as well.  And if, in my fantasy version of AW, my dream storyline (Alice and an adult Jamie involved in a May/December romance) had ever gotten off the old ground, for sure, you'd want someone like MF playing Alice, if only for the chance to see her and VW go head-to-head in scenes.

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The Another World Facebook page just posted this picture titled as The Frame Family (Alice, Steve, Sally and Diana) and it fueled a ton of questions

May be an image of 3 people and people standing

I know so little about Diana, except for the fact that she was short lived in Bay City and dated a stable boy.

1.  When (and to whom) did Steve give his exposition drop about having amnesia while living in Australia?  How did the audience learn about Steve's backstory once he returned?

2.  Diana is referred to on AWHP as Steve's adopted daughter.  So, did he adopt her with his late Aussie wife, or was she the wife's biological daughter and then he adopted her?  I'm guessing he never got around to adopting Sally because she was an adult when he returned?

3. Why didn't Diana have an Aussie accent?

4. Did we ever find out why Quinn lived in Australia when she got the job working for Blackhawk?

Edited by j swift
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