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During Jill Phelp period in 95/96 how long were Katherine Sutcliffe and Harding LeMay listed as Consultants?

I just read Sutcliffe's Wikipedia page and it says the following:

n 1995 and 1996, Sutcliffe worked as the Consultant Head Writer for the soap operas As the World Turns and Another World. Sutcliffe was offered the job after Bill Graham, who searched for writers for Procter & Gamble, mentioned to his wife that they wanted to refocus the soap opera stories on romance. His wife, who loved Sutcliffe's book, insisted that he contact her. During her time as a soap opera writer, she concentrated on developing the six-month story lines, which the breakdown writers would then develop into dialogue and individual scenes for the show. During this time frame, Sutcliffe also made a guest appearance on Another World, playing herself. She resigned from her position after the networks began to insist that she move to New York City to be more accessible.

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Regarding the first 90 minute episode - it is NOT the Tuesday episode on line where John Randolph gets killed.  The Monday episode is where Mac discovered that Rachel had been lying to him about Blaine's blackmail scheme and it really hit the fan.  Huge fight scene that was so memorable - I still remember it - even though I haven'r seen it in some time.  I'd love to see that one again....   Likewise - I'd love to see when Iris finds out she is adopted.  According to LeMay - one of his favorite scenes / performances. 

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Some audio of that has survived, there used to be a clip on the AWHP.


Something to this effect...


Iris: (deliberately, voice quivering) I am not your child?


Mac: (tenderly) Your mother and I--


Iris: (sharply) Don't call her my mother.


Mac: ... we cared for you as though you were our own.


Iris: No. NO. NOOOO!

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I am watching 1991 on YouTube. I’m guessing this is an era AW fans are fond of? I’m really enjoying it and find that this show largely has its [!@#$%^&*] together and has a good cast and writing. I’m familiar with most of the characters as I watched 87-89 on SoapNet and kept track of AW over the years but never watched it day to day except when it was on soapnet. But this seems to be better than I remember the era soapnet showed was. 


Why did they switch Paulinas? I didn’t think the old Paulina was bad. The new one is fine, but the timing just seems so strange. They must have known that it would be very difficult for the audience to adjust to a new Vicky (and, indeed, I hate this Vicky), so why put the audience through two major recasts within days of each other? I wonder if there was some behind the scenes change or if the network insisted since this actress came from DAYS


Poor P&G soaps. In the 90s they always wanted to turn ATWT and GL into the ABC soaps, and they seemed to always want to turn AW into DAYS. Why couldn’t they just accept their soaps for who they were? #bornthisway

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and 3 Sam Fowlers


and storywise the "Who Shot Jake?" story just ended, so they had to re-shoot (no pun intended) their recollections of the event because the other Paulina shot him and the other Vicky ran from the scene to protect the other Marley.

Edited by j swift
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Three Sam Fowlers, two Hudson daughters and a Paulina whose body type changed! On the fourth day of '91, AW gave to me ...


Hearing about moments like this always makes me think of Victoria Woods' Making of Acorn Antiques sketch. With today's lack of budget or prep time, you know they'd just rerun the footage of Judi and Anne, no questions asked.

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It would be incredibly cruel to say this about somebody you knew you were about to fire. Plus, they freeze frame on Timmins on her last day, which feels almost subversive. I’m thinking P&G and/or NBC told them to find a place on the cast for Judi Evans. But if that was the case, they should have just made her Vicky. She at least has some heart/vulnerability. Jensen Buchanan has none.... 

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Of course, even as I watch 1991 AW I have read ahead on Eddie Drueding’s amazing AWHP. And good god did TPTB totally wreck this soap. Is AW patient zero for TPTB annihilating a soap through total malfeasance? By the plots in the last five years of AW it is no wonder this soap got canceled. It depresses me. Honestly, reading Eddie Drueding is funny because he is mostly extremely (Canadian) polite and doesn’t want to outright admit which storylines are stupid, but can’t help himself at points. Case in point, Cindy’s medicinal deficiency is “had extremely low self esteem.” Lmao, what a polite Canadian way of putting it.


i do seriously admire the work he put into that website, though. Unparalleled for any other soap. 

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