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Glee: Discusion Thread


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This was a pretty good episode! I loved Puckerman Jr's moves doing Bobby Brown. That was the best performance of the show, although the Wham song was very entertaining and seeing Blaine without hair gel was interesting. His Phil Collins song was good too.

As far as the stories go, this week it was a little flimsy but the Rachel/Brody duet was ok.

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Santana singing Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul JUST MADE 2013 for me!!!!!


And the Jake/Marley/Ryder triangle are the only reason I'm watching Glee this season. I love Jake and Marley is just so lovable. But I can't deny that Ryder and her have some serious chem...can't wait to see how this all plays out by season's end....

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Wow, a Glee unlike any other. I was on the edge of my seat at parts, and the twist with Sue was excelllent. When Ryder called the phone and it was coming from somewhere within the room that was just the icing on the cake. I have no guesses but I thought whoever it was was going to be the shooter and possibly kill Ryder. (I actually didn't know his name before tonight).

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I completely disagree. That was the worst episode of Glee EVER. It wasn't even that emotional. Except for the Sue and Becky scene I was rolling my eyes the entire time. So cheesy and ultimately in bad taste. I mean I don't know what planet Ryan Murphy is living on but nothing about that episode was that touching.

Aside from the Ryder getting played by the internet stalker subplot I just didn't see what was so good about this episode.

If this was meant to "revitalize" the show or bring some kinda awareness to gun violence and its true impact he failed miserably. I don't even know why I thought he could deliver.

EDIT: I forgot to give a little credit to Heather Murphy (aka Brittney) for making me care a little bit about this episode. Between her, Marley, and Marley's mom and the pot hissing I managed to stay with it. Otherwise I would have turned of the tv.

Very disappointing episode though all together. Way too soon and what's even worse is that it really didn't leave any mark.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Yup mi loved how all of the sudden and unexpectedly the show changed. A shot went off. Then another one. And everything stopped. Their world went from sing alongs to possible death. I think they captured that fear, confusion and sadness in the choir room and bathroom very well. I don't think the point was to turn the show around, provide co,mentally on guns, or anything like that. While glee is usually terribly they also always show what teenagers deal with. Relationship, friendships, graduation, moving away, coming out, sexualities, bullying, etc. so why not see how these kids react when in a school shooting, it's really not a unheard of or rare thing. If it was ment to be social commentary then it wouldn't been bigger, promoted more, and likely had someone actually die. For the first time this season I cared about the kids. All of them. Even marley and kurtcadies. Ive been in a lockdown in class before. The shooter ended up not being on campus but next to it, but it is terrifying.
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The sudden change in atmosphere was expected. I mean what else were they supposed to do? A shooting occurs in any show or any location of course its going to go from all happiness to complete shock and silence in an instant. I don't think the show or Ryan Murphy or the actors deserve credit for that.

So what was the point if not to provide commentary or to try and bring attention back on the issue of gun violence? Why this random shooting which turned out to not even be a shooting? For once I agree with the conservative nutjobs out there who seem to think this show has some nefarious agenda in each and every episode.

Its absolutely clear that Ryan Murphy had an agenda here and the problem is that not only did he execute horribly....he made a complete mockery of the subject. Its offensive on so many levels and if I were one of the family members of those who died in Sandy Hook you bet I'd be furious and upset with the show.

To add insult to injury we all know how this is going to turn out. The show barely did a good job of showing the kids reactions and how they dealt with the trauma that was going on around them. Am I really supposed to believe that these kids are so stupid that they're going to be talking THAT loud in an auditorium when a shooter could possibly be roaming the halls? Meanwhile you've got Sam (played by the beautiful Chord Overstreet) trying to make a break for it not once but THREE times and practically assaulting the two teachers who are supposed to be in command?

Furthermore we all know that the kids will be back to normal within the space of 2 episodes. There are not going to be any far reaching consequences from this poorly titled episode.

I'm not even going to touch the subject of Becky being the student because the issues there are so obvious its painful. Really a Down Syndrome kid who till that very episode had never expressed a single iota of nervousness about her life beyond school goes psycho with fear and then brings a loaded gun to school for "protection"? From what Ryan Murphy? The neighboring cheerleading squad?

Whatever good will I had towards this show has completely evaporated after this episode. Can't wait for this season to end....

Thanks! I normally take Glee what it is (and what it most certainly is not) but this last episode was just doing too much. I'm still shocked that Ryan Murphy watched that and thought it was the best thing ever....delusional to say the least.

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Was it expected to change from light and happy to... the opposite once gunfire went off in a school? Of course. But it wasnt expected when it happened. There was no build up to it, no forshadowing really. It just happened and in that moment everything changed, as it should. Im not sure how the show doesnt deserve credit for basically keeping this a secret, playing it unexpectedly in the middle of an episode, and why the actors dont deserve credit for amazing performance.

i think the point was to show what these kids would do in a school shooting, considering how normal they seem to be becoming, why not show it? If it was about gun violence and taking a stance, then to begin the shooting whould have been an actual shooting with some death. by the way the conservative nutjobs you find yourself agreeing with argue that the show wrongfully shows living a gay, lesbian, etc life style is wrong, dont forget that - they wouldnt much care about this episode if it wasnt for all the gays on the show.

Yes, it was.

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Oh wow!

I tuned back in last night for the first time since November, to see Nene. She was great and I liked her scenes. I wonder why she hasn't sung on the show yet seeing as she can IRL.

As for the rest? This show has gone down hill HARD. It's hard for me to watch.

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