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Glee: Discusion Thread


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He wasn't treated that way at the time, but within the season, Kurt forgave him, and now they're close, with Kurt being in the wrong for not supporting him enough.

I do think there is room for redemption in people and that people sometimes do horrible things and then learn to grow, but someone like Sebastian almost blinded a person only a few episodes ago and yet now he seems to be written as an A-OK guy and Blaine has gotten over the whole thing. It's great to have layers, but what layers does he even have? Didn't he just basically show up as a small player and then he wants Blaine and throws rock salt in his eye?

Edited by CarlD2
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Kurt isnt in the wrong, he feels bad thought for not answering the call for help, literally and figuratively. And as much as i hate Kurt, for him to act or feel any other way would be out of character.

And Blaine didnt forgive Sebastian because hes a good person. A tragedy happened to another gay student they know, their age. It made Sebastian see that bullying and his actions have reactions far greater than he could grasp before that and it made. He did step up and do the right thing this week, and in him doing that and given what else was going on, Blaine kind of just let it be. They are not besties going for smoothies at the mall or anything.

And he was brought on a strong recurring cast member to cause trouble.

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I guess to me that goal isn't really filled with the pacing of his character, but then I have never understood most of the characterization on the show. I feel like they want to do this PSA stuff but also like to have shock value, so everything is jumbled around and around.

I'm also never sure when bullying is or isn't bad on this show, as some characters, like Rachel, were heavily implied to deserve bullying and to be laughed at.

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I thought it was really good. As someone who barely talks to my brother, I could see how some of that song is applicable. "You're just someone that I used to know" is something that could apply to anyone. My childhood best friend and I were as close as Batman and Robin. Now, we can barely find three minutes of stuff to talk about. Anyway, I thought this was good. Matt Bomer was great in his role, and I loved his acting tips to the class. I also liked the shmaltiy soap opera moments with Quinn, Sue and the couple that clearly will never be married.

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Perhaps. I was not familiar with this song at all, but I thought it got the point across even if not exactly about two estranged brothers. One thing I like about Glee is it does introduce me sometimes to music I have never heard before. I have to admit I never paid attention to Destiny's Child ever except for "Say My Name", but "Bills Bills Bills" was a really good song that I never heard before Glee, and The Warblers did a great job on it.

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<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/40249533?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/40249533">Glee - You Should Be Dancing</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/kurtsantana2">Kurt&amp;Santana2</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

The show has really become the Darren Criss show, but he is very talented. This is a pretty good song where he shows he is a pretty good dancer to go along with this singing. It is very phony sounding though, but I cannot think of who else on the show could do the singing and the dancing to front this song.

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Ok who are The seniors graduating

Also For Dance with me on April 24th, Kurt has been so worried about his Audition for Nayda that he doesnt hang with Blaine. Blaine believes Kurt wants to end things, given the song he sings. They talk to Emma who suggests couples therapy. In the end, Kurt sings a solo to Blaine and everything is fine. Burt also supportive of Kurt's audition but doesnt want him to leave Ohio.

Some story with Joe & Quinn as helps her with therapy

i really like Joe, Damian, wade/Unique & Sugar & hope they are regulars next season

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Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Mercadies, Santana, Mike, Tina are graduating. I think Puck and Brittnay are, but RM will prob have them fail so they can stay and do nothing anther year. I think Blaine is but i wouldnt be surprised if he is suddenly younger.

Unique... ugh. I hated this kid on the glee project, and i cant stand him here.

and LMAO at them just ignoring Quinn this episode. The writing gets worse every week.

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