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January 12-16, 2009


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I think that's true for all of ABC's headwriters: Pratt, Carlivati and Guza. Unless Frons gets his walking papers. OLTL and GH have found their core audience i.e. the people still watching are the ones happy with the show and everyone else has already walked away. In another six months AMC will shake off all the people who don't like Pratt's vision and the same will be true for them. Then they'll just go on until cancellation.

I really need to figure out the right way to structure a dead pool thread...

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In the short term, I agree (and I don't normally subscribe to "it can't get any worse" belief when it comes to AMC). If she stuck around a while I'm sure she would do considerable damage again, but in the short-run she might be able to do what she did when she came back in 2003/2004.

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I think with Pratt there is the possibility of him leaving for a primetime project. But in that case Frons would probably just promote Tracey Thomson to replace him (I found an article recently where Frons singled her out as the rising star in ABC daytime's stable of writers), and she's probably just a younger female version of Pratt and Guza.

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I think every single person who has written for AMC over the past 5 years could have done a good job with proper supervision. I've seen great writing and great stories from McTavish, I've seen her use vets other headwriters barely touched, I've seen her breathe new life into characters turned into cartoons. I've seen Pratt do some good work with Erica, with Opal, with Annie, with Krystal. B&E did a great job with Angie and Jesse.

None of them have the guidance they needed to control their excesses. Or they were trapped by the excesses of Brian Frons.

Nearly all of AMC now is violence, murder, trauma, pain, insanity. This has gone on for years and years, and seems to be getting even worse. I'm surprised viewers have even held on as long as they have.

I'm glad GL had a slight increase. I know 1.8 is supposedly the number to avoid cancellation. I hope they can have more increases.

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This is what I think too. I think OLTL, and possibly GH, will drop another point in the next week or twoto compensate for students returning to school. Otherwise, they are where they are going to be. You know, I think AMC might inch up. It is the one show that I think people do want to return to, right now.

I also think Pratt will go nightime and do just fine. I don't see that for the writers at the other two ABC soaps.

On a very positive note, good job Young and Restless.

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Can you remind me? What was Frons' quote on old people?

Let's see...but I am getting CAUTIOUSLY optimistic for a small upward trend. My joy would be a 4.5 again that HOLDS for a long time. I realize this is a foolish dream.

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No the Josh gimmick started on 1/14.

I see the Josh gimmick with the big shoot out on 1/16 didn't bring in the big ratings either. I'm not surprised AMC lost viewers last week. The show was horrid.

Days gained viewers, but remained the same. I am glad they didn't drop.

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Congrats to Y&R. A 4.0 in HH's is just a step away. When was the last time any soap had a 2.0 in the 18-49 demo?

I guess the Nuke Non Sex did nothing for the ratings at ATWT. :lol:

And OLTL ratings continue to be awful. Yeah, RC the saving gawd. :lol:

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ATWT's ratings collapsed after Wednesday, which was the last time Luke and Noah were on. The Nuke sex day of Monday had a good 2.1 rating, and the other day they were on (Wednesday) the show got a 2.0. I think the collapse will sadly continue into this boring week (not just because Nuke weren't on), but hopefully will not last for long.

GL -- yay!

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