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Wow.  Violence erupts in Ankara, Berlin and Zurich; the judge who gave a college student a six-month sentence for rape is cleared of misconduct; and the nation's electors put party affiliations and hide-saving over protecting us from a con-artist who will sell us to Russia first chance he gets.  


Worst Monday ever for my new, least-favorite soap opera, AS THE WORLD TURNS TO CRAP.


At this point, I wouldn't bother finding out where they stand on anything.  Just learn what Putin thinks about any situation and then know the GOP and Trump will fall in line.

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I didn't, although I read the highlights (his putting salt in the wounds about Russia was amusing). I think the media is trying to stir the pot with Obama re: Trump as they want to make him look petty, and they also are likely desperately hoping and waiting for Trump to finally "act Presidential." Or at least give them more access, as that's all they care about. 


"They" would be people who want to stop a further lurch to the right (at this point it's more like a lurch into a lake of razor blades rather than just to the right) and compromise their own views to oppose the broader GOP agenda. Republicans ignored the CW after 2008 that they should be conciliatory. They ignored the CW after 2012 that they needed more diversity. And voters rewarded them for it. Democrats end up sacrificing just as much if not more of their goals and beliefs, but do so in the naive plan to chase voters who have rejected them and will keep on rejecting them. They cling to old ditties from Thomas Frank yet again telling them how they have failed Kansas, or this woman:



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Interesting statistics on the sustained efforts by the Obama administration to transfer/resettle Guantanamo detainees.


George W. Bush bequeathed 242 detainees to the Obama administration and by the end of his two terms 41-42 detainees will be bequeathed from Obama's administration to the next administration.


Also while the Bush administration transferred/resettled less detainees, they had a higher "suspected" recidivism rate at 35% (projected) while Obama transferred/resettled many more detainees but had a much lower "suspected" recidivism rate at 12% (projected).


This sort of speaks to how much more thoughtful the O administration has been about who and where they have chosen to settle/transfer.


Obama Administration Intends to Transfer 17 or 18 Guantánamo Detainees



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DNC Chair contradicts Obama and says Russian hacks persisted 'until end of election' – and says she was 'a little disappointed' when she saw his remarks

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4049544/DNC-Chair-contradicts-Obama-says-Russian-hacks-persisted-end-election.html#ixzz4TOWHAC2B 

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People pretend like the hacking makes any difference to Republicans (and some Bernie bros) who chose to vote for a racists, sexist, mysogynist who has no experience with even so much as running a non-profit properly.


Yet, we're supposed to believe that these hacks would've made all the difference puhlease!

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 Republican voters (and a some Democrats) don't care about any of this. They just wanted to tear things completely down, thinking that someone will rebuild it but they are most likely in for a rude awakening.

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I'm still in shock about the attack in Berlin. This is my capital, this is my country.


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Christmas markets are such a big tradition here in every city, and these places are always crowded. I was at a Christmas market myself yesterday – for the 8th time in 3 weeks –, and I always had so much fun meeting friends. On the subway home I read about the attack, I just couldn't believe it.


I'll be going again on Friday, but it'll surely have a different vibe...


And of course this attack will play into the hands of the right wing parties and their followers all across Europe... 

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I'm sorry that this has happened and sorry that this is the way of our world now.  Unplanned attacks. 


Yes, sadly right-wingers will seize to promote their agenda (e.g. more weaponization) because predictably that is what they always do as political opportunists, even before asking whether people are okay or what they can do to help.


Hopefully where you live @Huntress people will resist that urge and instead help one another. It's really the only way that seems to work.

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Yet heaps and heaps of us here in other parts of the world feel- given America's history, how the country was founded, and the fact that a large portion of the problems can be traced back to the actions of America- that the US has zero right to be turning away refugees like you have been doing.


It's nice that a minority of Americans feel "safer" (I think we both know that they don't really feel "safer"- more like their racist viewpoints have been vindicated) while everyone else feels even more unsafe and the rest of the world is sitting around terrified that the orange blob you just made president is about to start and drag the rest of us into WWIII.


Also, stop with the "America is so much safer now!" nonsense. America has always been the safest country (aside from the gun violence which is America's doing) and I think most Americans know that and would agree. Until you've had to actually live in some place that was under real threats of violence, all of these Trump supporters claiming they're "so much safer now" can shut the [!@#$%^&*] up. They've always been safe.

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All America is doing is given vulnerable subset of people an excuse to radicalize. Anybody who thinks we'll be safer under the Snatchgrabber is fooling themselves (again). After 9/11 Bush reached out to the Muslim community and that was the right thing to do. But again, we live in a country full of stupid, mean people who think that just because they "feel" something it must be true.

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Not to mention that many of the people who are treated as "others" now are lifelong American citizens. I understand the idea of not allowing open borders, it's clear they have wreaked havoc in Europe, but the refugee stuff is just an excuse for bigotry and racism. 

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Sending good thoughts your way.  So sorry to hear about this.





@GregNYC It baffles me why the republicans think they have the corner on the market when it comes to national security, patriotism and religion.  You don't.  The worst terrorist attack in America happened when a republican was in the White House.  Not to mention how many of our young men and women were sent to their deaths for an unjust war.  That's not patriotism, that's lying.  A truly Christian president or president elect doesn't talk about women, migrants, POC or any minority the way trump has.  Give it a rest.  


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