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With Trump likely on the ballot to juice turnout, Boobert had a good chance of winning reelection (although she was facing a competitive primary), but the NRCC would have had to spend massive amounts of money on her. Now they have a better chance of keeping her seat, and are likely rid of her, as she's running in a district that is nowhere near hers, going against many other candidates with local ties. 

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I agree with you. The psychopaths in Congress see a golden opportunity to cut benefits and they are going to do everything they can to grab it. We need to be running ads to scare the hell out of people when it comes to losing benefits for the elderly. It's nothing but the truth.

If the Democrats can't get public support for solutions to SS and medicare shortfalls, things are going to get ugly. Hell, I'd be running ads trying to wake up GenX and Millennials too. How many of these people are ready to live with their parents again or see them on the street? Government entitlements are all that is standing between many elderly people and abject poverty.

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So many in this country take things for granted, just shrugging and saying well it can't get any worse, or saying they will take sacrifices in the short term for a brighter long term (the delusional Susan Sarandon approach). Many of these people are cheering the plans that some Arab-American groups have to go to each state and urge votes to support a third-party candidate because they want Biden to lose so the party will learn a lesson.

(a number of the people in that movement are right wing and Trump supporters, but as always, the dead-end left eats it up)

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And just like with the Asian-American groups who cheered for the death of affirmative action and then realized too late that they were screwing over themselves, too....

This country just plain hates black people.

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Japan has really started the new year on a somber note, with a deadly earthquake and a deadly collision on an airport runway. 


Every nation needs to be looking at how resilient is the infrastructure and if all standards are up to par. An otherwise very modern society has a prefecture that had a number of houses and buildings that were old and unstable after several decades of wear and tear. Something tells me these homes were likely occupied by elderly people and those of low income. Inequality is dangerous.

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What's killing me here is that they already know!! There is no realization necessary. These Muslim leaders flat out said they know this could make things worse for their people in the short term. This is so reminiscent of 2016. What makes anyone think it will be only for the short term, I do not know. How did making things worse so they would get better go for the far left the last time? It's insane thinking, as far as I'm concerned. 

This! Wake up call dummies! A good chunk of the population loved what they got with Trump. They are salivating at the chance to get more of the same. Isn't it clear yet that some of these people don't care how much Trump hurts them as long as he hurts other people more? What makes them think we can turn things around if we go back down this dark path again? The arrogance is astonishing.

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Honestly, I think many of them enjoy Trump, because he fits many of the boxes that irony-poisoned leftists appreciate. He's "funny," he hates "neolibs," he is a racist and a homophobe and transphobe, he blathers all over social media, he's prone to conspiracy theories. They just don't want to openly say they support him, so they do a little dance. I still remember how many of them spent 2020 saying that he was going to run to the left to beat Biden. That was what they so desperately wanted. And it's the same old garbage this year - he and Biden are just the same, Biden is worse, delusions of how Trump will force Netanyahu out, on and on and on.

Edited by DRW50
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The Daily Mail quoting some RFK Jr. campaign PAC,  about a supposed campaign event featuring a performance from famed tenor Andrea Bocelli, the "RFK Jnr 'well wisher' guests including Martin Sheen, Mike Tyson, and Dionne Warwick"

The PAC really said it and
and they lied.


Bocelli told Rolling Stone it wasn't true and he won't even be in the US at that time.


Dionne Warwick @dionnewarwick
This is absolutely ridiculous. If you are going to lie on my name, at least lie about something cool.
“Revealed: Dionne collaborates with Rihanna on new album…”


Bradley Whitford @BradleyWhitford
There’s a story going around saying that Martin Sheen is supporting @RobertKennedyJr
 for president. The story is incorrect. Martin asked us to post this on his behalf. 
“I wholeheartedly support President Joe Biden and the democratic ticket in 2024.
Martin Sheen”

(Sheen also said the same on his own ramoncalledmartin ig account in ig stories)

Edited by janea4old
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I saw a clip of Trump from a few days ago, and he did not look well at all. Not even by his usual standards. He looked very disheveled, and his voice sounded extremely frail. They are going to pick the biggest lunatic imaginable as his VP, who will probably make Pence look like Walter Mondale, as I think he will be lucky if he makes it to next January.

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