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The train wreck that is the Romney campaign is imploding at a mind-boggling pace. I have never seen a politician so effectively torpedo his own bid for office. This clown is undoubtedly the dumbest son-of-a-bitch in America, or he's simply

cursed with the worst luck imaginable. Either way, this duplicitous imbecile has no place leading anybody. Hell, I wouldn't trust this clown to run a garage sale, let alone our country. Romney doesn't give a damn about mainstream Americans. The video vociferously elucidates that fact.

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What Romney said about the 47% was true... And the so-called mainstream media has blown this whole thing out of proportion. The proof?

The latest from the Associated Press:

President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney stand about even among likely voters, with 47 percent backing Obama and 46 percent Romney.

What a shock... 47% are supporting Obama. Heh...

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LOL thank you. The most government assistance I got was loans for college so I fail to understand how I'm a "victim" :rolleyes: This is more funny than anything. Romney is doing all this pandering and will most likely lose this election. How someone can criticize and speak badly upon the citizens of the country he wants to be the leader of is beyond me.

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Do you believe in government-sponsored healthcare, Wales? Do you believe in redistribution of wealth, Wales? Do you plan to vote for Obama, Wales?

If so, then I'd say Romney has you pegged... you are amongst the 47%.

Remember the good 'ol days when we talked about the 1%... now we're talking about the 47%!

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Okay, Eric... Romney is pandering to voters... yet speaking badly upon them? Which is it?

As for speaking badly upon the citizens, as you say... Maybe people need a little truth for a change. The truth hurts. More people do less in America today, expecting others to take care of them. Do you deny this?

Have Romney's statements victimized you?

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But where is the evidence Americans do less. When Roosevelt instituted the WPA, there werea multitude of reasons, one very important one was idleness leads to hopelessness. People don't work and lose hope. The WPA didn't turn around the depression but it helped the moral of our citizens and kept up hope. That's part of what the stimulus package was supposed to do, was to help our infrastructure while putting people to work.

The American people overall are generous and giving. We give and give and give to many and seem to have no issue giving billions to other countries but when it comes to helping our own, it's all selfishness and bitterness. If we expect all our own citizens to be able to pick up and help themselves, why our our expectations for countries around the world whom we give to protect so much different.

As for people taking and using the system and being lazy, I don't believe it. In the mid to late 90s we had unemployment of between 3 and 4 percent. And it's a fact that in this country we will always have a percentage of our population that will never work, which is estimated to be between 2 and 3 percent of the population. So the point is when there were jobs and our economy was relatively healthy, people wanted to work and those who wanted to did.

One of the few things Ron Paul is right about is stop giving away to other countries what you don't have and take care of your own business.

Edited by JaneAusten
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On the whole topic of how the attacks in Libya would not have taken place if Barack Obama had a better relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu, what should Barack Obama do differently back the desire to go to war with Iran?

Does NATO support this and does it matter whether they do?

Which is preferable when attainable, war or a peaceful resolution?

Are China and Russia blocking an embargo in their support of Iran?

Is the U.S. indebted to China in such a way as to make their lack of cooperation regarding an embargo a problem?

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