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Despite the headline, the article states that consumers are spending more than they have in over a year (which, of course carries its own problems with supply not commensurate with demand causing inflation).

Walmart, Home Depot and the rest of their ilk are certainly fairing well, certainly better than they were under the last guy in the White House and yet these companies' CEOs are the first ones running to open their checkbooks to the Republican party. Talk about cognitive dissonance. The strong hold of everlasting greed.


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I'm seriously beginning to suspect they'll either hang or convict, at which point Judge Lee Greenwood will immediately declare a mistrial (which he's elected to delay ruling on since the defense asked for one yesterday mid-deliberations, probably bc they're spooked), possibly with prejudice, which I believe would prevent Rittenhouse from being tried again. He's shopping for the verdict he wants before he nukes the alternative.

I expect Rittenhouse to walk no matter what, but seeing the jury defy this entire sham and that despicable judge would be nice. Big if.

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