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They really don't want to deal with the fact that Trump is impaired (for lack of a better word), because that would mean he would have to be removed from office; and for the sake of his voting base and the media's need for big headlines, they can't have that.

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If this ends with Hunter behind bars (and Joe out of the WH) while Donald struts around as a free man....


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/06/us/politics/hunter-biden-investigation.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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The sad thing is the leaders of Utah will probably support this gutting of lands. 


I don't think what Romney did was brave compared to, say, someone going into a burning building (I know no one was claiming this), but I can see where it would be seen as brave for his party. It's unfortunate that common decency is now brave.

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With 99% percent of the precincts reporting, it appears (according to the NYT) Buttigieg and Bernie are in a "dead heat" for first-place at the Iowa caucus.  (There's literally two points separating them.)


You know, I think it's time to admit our heads aren't wrapped too tight when it comes to 21st century election technology.  Just stick with paper ballots and optical scan devices, and leave the innovations to the next generation, who'll better know how to do this stuff.

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^ What a complete clusterf*ck. I have to admit it, I don't have confidence in the results we've been given. I certainly don't think there was a conspiracy against either of these candidates, I just think it comes down to utter incompetence. I want to slap whoever let this happen.

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There's a reason why it's so easy to make jokes about baby boomers and their parents being unable to understand how smartphones and tablets work.  That's because, like every stereotype, it contains a grain of truth.


Personally, I think everyone would be better off just writing off the Iowa caucus as a "draw" and then move on, with NH being a sort of "reboot" for the primary season.  There's just no point in trying to claim victory in IA, when it's clear the results were about as muddied and muddled as they could get.



Bernie's just Trump in Democrat's clothing.  We can't even deny it anymore.

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Remember when he and his camp dismissed those issues in 2016 as "identity politics," or whatever; insinuating that it was all exaggerated and distracting from his core message (whatever THAT was)?


Now, four years later, we're supposed to believe Bern is sooooooooo woke?  Yeah.  Right.


And how ironic is it that he's talking about this in NH, which is not exactly the most racially or ethnically diverse of states?  Like, who you preachin' to, boo, lol?


Ugh.  That clown.

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Typical Trump Supporter: "BUT HE'S PUTTING US FIRST FOR A CHANGE!"


Unlike Obama, or the Clintons, who have the audacity to tell them that maybe America and Americans aren't the shiznit and that maybe it's time to GET with the times (reduce carbon emissions, stop relying on coal and fossil fuels, start building toward a future based on solar and wind power, etc.) or get left behind.

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