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The only way he resigns is if Trump is voted out, Democrats take the Senate and hold the House, then a thorough investigation takes place. He might be made uncomfortable enough to resign in the instance, but getting a Supreme Court judge to resign is like pulling a steak out of doberman's mouth.

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I don't think there's any chance of him resigning or being impeached. The only chance of stopping him was if Republicans had any moral responsibility. They didn't. And the NYT bringing this up a year later and going out of their to make the woman look bad just shows how complicit that paper is.

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Oh, well.  So the prick is made of Teflon.  I guess that's why Trump loves him so.


Speaking of Trump, I was tickled see him suggest B**** K******** should sue for libel.  Really, Donald?  Like the Central Park Five should sue YOU for the smear campaign you launched against them BITD?  And for which you STILL refuse to apologize, even though DNA evidence and the state of New York ultimately exonerated them?




IA with you both.  I'm just afraid his is a name that will keep recurring in the media (and everywhere else) until we all are dead in our graves.  Ugh.

Edited by Khan
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Yeah the woman cannot remember. I highly doubt that, but the fact is 10 people along with this gentleman(who has credibility across the aisle by the way) all contacted the FBI and never were able to provide information because they were not called back. We know the investigation was limited in scope as directed by Don McGahn.

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I suspect the woman has witnessed what Dr. Ford and others went through and doesn't want to be subjected to the same kind of abuse.  Who could blame her?

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I seriously doubt the woman cannot remember. As @Khan said, look at all Christine Blasey Ford endured for daring to open her mouth. She had to even flee her home because of death threats. No wonder no one else wants to speak freely.


Add in we have a complicit criminal Senate and GOP providing aid to this pig, and yeah. I can see why this woman "can't remember".

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What I mostly mean was I don't know why this was not checked before the article was published. You have a story based on details and memories of all these other people, not her, and then the content involving her is added after the fact, in a way that discredits or at least smudges the original story. 


Everything about how this story has been handled feels like deliberate sabotage to me. And it just made any real move against Kavanaugh even more difficult.

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Maybe it feels like sabotage, but it boils down to the fact that a Dem senator told of new allegations LAST YEAR to the FBI. The GOP hid it. Is this a mess? Yes. But neither are Kavanaugh nor Republicans ANY sort of victim. And Mitch, Donald, and all of the rest of the scumbag GOP don't care as long as their power is consolidated.

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Exactly.  It's possible the woman doesn't recall what happened..."but I don't think so."


The GOP keeps saying the Democrats have orchestrated a hit on K********'s career and reputation.  Perhaps, if we were talking about just Dr. Ford's allegations, or hers along with 1 or 2 other people's, there might be some validity to their claim.


However, when you look at the number of others who had volunteered to talk with the FBI about K******** but were turned away....  'Tis an awfully WIDE conspiracy to bring down one judge, even one who sits on the Supreme Court, don't you think?


Moreover, who's doing the conspiring here?  The Dems, or the Senate, through the DOJ and FBI?

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So the photos from the "Iran attack" are not even proving what the administration claims it does. I am frankly disgusted hearing so many senators from the democratic side stand up and say without doubt it's Iran. I already called mine and said no to Iraq part 2. Someone is itching to start up a war with Iran. The Saudi's? Israel? Or someone in our current administration. I;m not buying this recent attack.


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/09/16/world/middleeast/trump-saudi-arabia-oil-attack.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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