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I fully realize that this is an opinion piece.  Part of the reason why I am posting this anyway because this Op-Ed seems to suggest some of the aspects that I've been reading about over the last eight weeks or so.  Also, I haven't had time to read this yet and I intend to come back and read it, and posting it here is a surefire way for me to come back around and read later.


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Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Chancellor Merkel's handpicked successor was voted in as the CDU's next leader.


...except, for the fact that she's nicknamed 'mini-Merkel', Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to distinguish herself apart from her predecessor, Chancellor Merkel.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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That would be a long set up since Merkel won't be stepping down from the Chancellor position until 2021. 


If you really want look at a head of government being set up to fail, look no further than PM Theresa May and Brexit.  Someone just asked today why David Cameron isn't being dragged into Parliament and being made to answer for some of this debacle. 

Cameron was, after all, the one who set up the referendum (where there was no need) that led the U.K. to this Brexit decision.  It was totally unnecessary.

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