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Oh, I'm not at all saying the Democratic Party has lacked for disagreeing factions. Way before Bernie Bros, you had the Blue Dog Dems, who leaned more to the right, even disagreeing with Moderate Democrats, let alone the Liberal Faction.  Those disagreements were generally worked through behind closed doors. It is a new era though but most people have seen where those squabbles have led us to, a Trump WH, which is its own form of chastening and punishment.


But I find the GOP fascinating in terms of the breadth and depth that they have come apart since the dramatic way the Tea Party rode in with that crazy guy on CNBC standing in the middle of the stockroom floor and yelling the Tea Party manifesto at the top of his lungs .

Interesting how the GOP was able to unify around their opposition to Obama but are scattered and squabbling when it's been their time to govern. It's almost the exact opposite of the Democrats who were surprisingly unified enough to pass some surprisingly significant legislation when they were the party in power.


It's also interesting how Donna Brazile is currently being treated. This may have something to do with her gender, color and that fact that she has been at the helm of a losing campaign before (Al Gore) but she is really being spoken of and treated as a turncoat who is attempting to sow further discord for her personal gain. In any case, it seems like she's missed the moment to seize on any zeitgeist of Dems spatting, that's no longer headline news to use.  

It's mostly about the discord within the "party of values" that aren't...really, about values.

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Oh, Sister Brazile. (sigh) Forgive me, Lord, but I'm takin' this one to the cross.


Take this tip from the son of a church lady: don't EVER put other people's bidness out in the street unless you've got it verified.  Because the only thing worse than a gossip...?  Is a gossip who got it wrong.

Edited by Khan
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You know what? I think that might have been Shinzo Abe of Japan who said it (don't quote me though).


The timing of that declaration by the TPP member group is very fascinating though...the fact that it was done while Trump has been in Asia, I doubt that's a coincidence.


Trump spent a lot of time kowtowing to China, which has never been part of the TPP to begin with, this could've had an effect on the TPP member countries, almost all of which have some type of tension or disagreement with China.


Abe may have been voted down on his earlier statement by member countries or he himself might have decided to forgo the possibility of trying to leave any pathway open for a Trump-led U.S. (or he may even have been speaking of a U.S. after Trump is gone).

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I didn't see the quote in there about welcoming the U.S. back but an interesting article nonetheless. 


Looks like the TPP intends to try to get into motion before the RCEP can launch. Sounds like more geopolitical rivalry withing the Asia-Pacific region.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Alabama ABC Affiliate Can’t Find One Voter Who Believes WaPo Report


“Out of all the voters we spoke with Friday in Columbiana, we didn’t find one voter who believed the Washington Post report about Moore,” she said.



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Vlad is mad!  Not surprising, given, after all that maneuvering to help a useful idiot ascend to the presidency, only to discover that the useful part wouldn't come to pass.


I said this a few months ago, and I still think it may happen down the road. As Vlad loses all patience, we may begin to see leaks coming from the Kremlin, that are simultaneously untraceable to the Kremlin.

I feel like this has already begun to happen via that lawyer Veselnitskaya dropping little bits of intel in the past week and a half, or so with her remarks about Dummy Jr wanting a quid pro quo, dangling the possibility that a U.S. law might be changed to suit the Kremlin, in exchange for dirt on HRC.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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