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IMPO, HRC made the same mistake John Kerry did. You just run down your opponent and give someone to vote against.....you must give them someone to vote FOR. plus, she didn't visit the small towns like Obama did.....can't tell you how many stories I read in the aftermath were towns and small counties that voted for Obama overwhelmingly voted for Orange Hutt this time around. Then we have the Moron in Chief, who I now wonder....do some of these people now see what they did because of their blindness to what affects them instead of some stupid ass slogans like Marceline said?

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15 years is a long time.  Not just old white people are going to die unnecessarily in that time and by then climate change may be so far gone that the world as we know it is gone forever.  The democrats need to find the right message in 2020 or one hell of a lot of unnecessary suffering is going to occur. Well, even more than is already coming from four years of 45. Let's not make it eight.

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Pretty much.


From day one, Trump and his ilk have had one purpose in mind: to erase Obama's legacy.  Anything else that occurs along the way, "good" or "bad," is entirely coincidental.

Edited by Khan
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couldn't have said it any better. 

It's only been 6 months. give it till the end of the year....and these Trump idiots and morons will realize then (if they can actually think for themselves which I doubt) that they screwed the pooch on this Orange Creep and that God awful party. BUT...that's what happens when you have people vote with stupidity, sexism and racial hatred instead of good common sense. 

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