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More on the struggles migrant workers in Florida are facing, to the point where many are taking their children out of school and working to have them become Mexican citizens so they won't be left behind when their parents are deported.

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I have a lot of respect for Ari Berman. He's basically the only one who covered a lot of the voter suppression tactics (new voter ID laws) that went into effect after the Supreme Court overturned major parts of the VRA.


Good article on how Texas's law has disenfranchised many and why picture ID's are not feasible for many(see the example noted in this story). Being able to vote should not cost one person a penny.


And the DOJ not a surprise will no longer support the effort in this particular case.



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And just who didn't see this coming






Here's a summation






Betsy DeVos is clearly the most clueless woman I have ever heard. So now Black Colleges are a great example of school choice? I just can't with this ignorant woman.

Edited by JaneAusten
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That's pretty sad. I lived so close to Plant City when I lived in Florida. I used to love buying flats of strawberries from roadside markets.  Its just sad to think of all those parents and children living in fear.  I see Trump is going to propose some kind of immigration compromise, so we'll see how horrible it is. I guess it can't be worse than mass round ups.

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You may not love that voice but the Trumpettes are singing back up to his "I am not a racist because I've done more to help HBCUs with this one stroke of a pen than Obama." It's too bad that all those people who crammed into the Oval Office with him yesterday for that photo of Kellyanne taking selfies, didn't ask him to re-label his "urban agenda" along with shuffling initiatives. 


I would hate to live in Trumptopia where you have to pretend that everything that existed before him was a disaster and that only he can fix it and that every time he scribbles his name on a piece of paper, he's accomplished something. 

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I read this article a few hours ago, but since then things have changed and we aren't deporting everyone.  Try to keep up. Kidding. Seriously though, I feel like things are so unstable. He floats one idea, the press covers it, but before the ink is dry he's changed his mind. It's insane.

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I live in a state where we are entirely vote by mail.  It has worked extremely well for years and we have larger turnouts than before.  I don't understand why other states don't do this and stop all of the voter ID crap.  We also can register to vote when you go to the DMV.

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Oh I know. But if they want to fall for the scam and be what the Trumpettes point to when they say "see, he helped those blacks go to college" that is that. 

I don't get how people can put so much faith in that man but people want to believe what they want to believe.  I hope they at least got a free trip out of that.

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