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I think Priebus, like Ryan, lives in a cossetted bubble where if they just get their brilliant ideas in action everything else will fall into place. They don't want to dirty their beautiful minds with the everyday realities beyond gifted child theory, so Priebus is completely flummoxed by what's happening here.

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Well, I think come Monday we'll really see what some of these Republicans are made of. I honestly believe some of them are decent people who will do the right thing (as some are already standing up for refugees tonight), but we are also going to see who stands by this shameful EO.  I think there is no question that battle lines are being drawn here.

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I think most of them today have no spine. Even John McCain couldn't find his. A few have come out against it in the last few hours - Susan Collins, Sasse, etc.


Sadly, the most principled Republican on the scene at the moment is none other than dark horse '16 candidate Evan McMullin, who is admirably very vocal on Twitter and has, I think, been out among the protestors today trying to help.

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I saw a tweet that said only about 4 or 5 have said anything. Most of them I'm not surprised by (Justin Amash, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, et al.) Sasse will likely be a one-term wonder as I've read that the Nebraska GOP hates his opposition to Trump. None of these people seem to have any particular power either, but I guess at least they said something. What a fraud St. John yet again proves himself to be. Barry Goldwater rolling over in his grave would have more political impact at this point. 

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The crackdowns are coming. I've seen people liken this to the civil rights movement but it looks to me more like the anti-Vietnam movement. It's just a matter of time before we have another Kent State on our hands. It will be interesting to see what happens once young white people start dying.

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