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This wasn't about progressivism. Bernie's fans cared about two things: free college and legal weed. They never really cared about the disenfranchised. That's why it was so easy for them to turn on women and PoC. You can't pretend you care about racial justice while you heckle John Lewis.

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No, you cannot. Which means the way forward is that much more difficult. Elements of Sanders' message are not wrong, going further to the left is not wrong, populism will be necessary, but he is the wrong messenger and so is the aggrieved, smug far left which considered both Hillary and Obama 'sellouts'.


We have to find a way to merge the different factions within the left. And that's hard as hell when nobody wants to admit they did anything wrong - starting with the far left which has subsisted on pride, anger and self-righteousness since the Bush years, and now likely feels more emboldened than they have since 2005.


I'll be interested to see what comes out of the media conference debacle. If there's one thing media cares about more than anything else it's themselves and their egos. When they are spurned they turn on candidates, as they did on Trump with his hotel fiasco (and Hillary, uh, 25 years ago). Now that Trump has hit them again I don't see them being as submissive as they would otherwise. They will become aggrieved for themselves while posturing that it's about the American people. As long as they actually do their job I won't care.

Edited by Vee
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AP in actual journalism shocker. No one tell Ron Fournier.




John Oliver's impassioned plea on his last episode causes a spike in donations to various causes.



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what the hell is wrong with him? he makes W. look like Lincoln. 


I can't stop laughing because everyone in that room deserved this for kissing this man's ass and throwing journalism out the window for ratings. 

Edited by Roman
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Q: What did you say to Trump in your (congratulatory) call to him?

A: We promised to establish the best bilateral relations ever. I hope that our good relations with the United States, seen under U.S. President Barack Obama, will continue and expand further under Trump. In the call, I also talked with his daughter. I have known her since her infant days.

From The Asahi Shimbum

Macri: Trump is a man who pushes through his own ideas

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I love it. Of course I get the context that this is bad and wrong to treat the press this way, but these scumbuckets, at least the ones with actual power, enabled him at every turn and openly bragged about how they didn't care about the consequences because it meant big ratings and big money. They genuinely thought they could control him when it was blatant to anyone who is not in the bubble that he was manipulating them for his own gain. And now they're going to pay the price. 

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Yep, lol.


First, the media did everything they could to legitimize him for the sake of lousy ratings points.  


Next, they attempted (sort of) to contain the beast, denouncing his potential victory as The Worst of All Possible Things, but well past the point of being able to do so effectively (and thanks, in no small part, to the number they did on his rival, taking a woman who already had issues of likeability and compounding them with what will turn out to be, in the end, a big bunch of nothing).


Then, they, along with every other pollster, pundit, and prognosticator out there, got showed up for the clowns we always knew they were when the s.o.b. actually won.


And now, after all that, when they're telling the American public to give this man a chance (but remain on alert) when we know damn well that every inch we give him sets us further down the road toward global disaster, what do they get for their oh-so-obvious attempt at making nice with him in order to gain access to his administration?  Namely, what they've deserved all along: the finger.  His finger.


I hope TrumpCo. freezes the media out entirely from everything they're up to, for as long as they are in the White House.  I really do.  I know I shouldn't say that, since it suggests restricting the freedom of the press.  Nevertheless, I feel it's the least the media deserves for siccing this rabid dog on us.




Frankly, Jeff Zucker should be used to going through life feeling this way.  His career is the textbook definition of "failing upwards."

Edited by Khan
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