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There was a case of voter fraud that resulted in a conviction in Ventura County, CA where I live and the perp was a white man registered as a Republican who filled out his dead father's mail ballot. Voter fraud is rare, but when it does happen it seems like it involves Republicans.

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The thing is, apparently there are more than just three e-mails according to the New York Times. And even Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald had to walk back his earlier tweet about three e-mails.


Do I pray to God (or whatever entity of one's choosing) this doesn't derail HRC and give this race to Trump? Absolutely. But the media will dig, even if it is nothing, and the average Joe or Jane won't keep this in context and will buy into the hysteria.

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But places like BBC, Sky News, Seven Network, and the rest of the Australian/British/International press always bring up whenever this email issue is drug back up that Colin Powell also used a private server and email address (and that his staff used AOL) and that the Bush administration deleted/lost something like 20 million emails. The Bush administration also had 13 embassy attacks with 60 something deaths as compared to the one Benghazi attack. They're obviously not lying about those things happening (a simple online search shows that they all happened) so why are they all not drug through the mud like Hillary? Why is she the only one who has to deal with this while Powell and Bush aren't held accountable? That's why at this point at just looks like a witch hunt.

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The issue is that these emails are probably duplicates of what the FBI already reviewed. It's increasingly looking like the FBI Director is playing political games to interfere with the election. If anyone is going to be in trouble, it might be him. This is incredibly shady.

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The giddiness from the Beltway is stomach-churning. "Man. What an election." They're loving this. It fits into a narrative already being pushed by the media about how Clinton is doing poorly again and Trump is on the comeback. They even outline in detail about how this will be sure to rev up Republicans and keep Democrats at home. You can already see the narratives they will push 24/7 to the election to make sure at the very least Republicans keep Congress and Trump only barely loses. Then they can get more of what they love best - years of investigations and scandals, and hysteria surrounding two people they've hated for over 20 years. And plenty of ratings too. 


I just hope voters won't fall for this, but so many are always eager to jump on the "dishonest Clinton - at least with Trump what you see is what you get" and "they're both the same, why bother?" bandwagon, it's hard to expect anything different. I just wish people could see through the media lies and realize they will be ruining their futures if they keep the GOP in charge of Congress.

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She  is always going to be held to a different standard, but she knows that so so why behave in ways that feed the beast?   Rightly or wrongly they have been painted these last  25 years as  Lord and Lady Macbeth:  the slickest of the slick and his scheming wife.   So why behave in ways that give ammo to your enemies to keep on pushing it?  It isn't as if it is a one time instance.  She knew she was running for president, so why give secret speeches you hope never see the light of day?   Why the secret email that is so secret you have to delete everything before it gets made public?  You know this is your rep you will never shake, so why even participate in these things?   Why did he take a private meeting with the attorney general  of the whole country a week before the FBI decides to not push for charges?    Were they talking about the weather?   Did that have to be confidential and days before the person he is talking to decides whether or not to indict Hillary?    How does that make sense?  


She's been accused of everything up to literally murder, so go that extra step to not give people anything to accuse you of.   Nobody ever tries to say Obama and his wife are murderous schemers out to get rich because it wouldn't make sense and be laughed at.   But Bill and Hillary have a different persona.  I like the Clintons and would have voted for him for a third term, but as much as I like him (and to a lesser extent her) I'll admit they are tricky to the point you could pattern fictional villains on them.    There are people who believe Bill told Trump to run just to destroy the republicans and make it easy for Hillary to win.  I literally had that discussion with two Sanders supporters who believe it is true.  I have no idea if it is, but when they told me that I had to laugh because who else could you accuse this of except the Clintons?

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Trump got past an entire field of Republican candidates that numbered in the double digits, so what does this say about the GOP? 


As for the Clintons, HRC, in particular, she needs to do some housekeeping and she may have to suggest that Huma stick to the private sector- some of the Clinton's associates are so very messy and it is a huge contrast to "No drama Obama" and this current administration that has remained scandal free, despite the best efforts of the Republicans.


This is not going to change my vote because I believe that Trump is a reprobate but I need HRC to clean up her act and I hope she doesn't take some of these people with her into a possible HRC administration-- tidy up.

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That's one of the most inexplicable things Bill Clinton has ever done.  I don't care if he's 70 and frail, he knows better.  And over all I agree with you. When there's a witch hunt on it's time to stop leaving brooms and pointy hats all over your house, but the Clinton's just can't do it.  And yeah, when people say it's all the media or it's all the Republicans, I look at the Obama's and go, nope, not really. Their house is messy and it has been for a long time. They have given their enemies a lot to work with.


The one thing Hillary has in her corner is almost anything that might be a little shady surrounding her, Trump has inevitably done the same only worse. There was a story awhile back about Bill doing a speech for the Saudi's, but they were really just paying him to help rehabilitate their image (not illegal, just kind of shady). I'll admit I find it distasteful, but is it anywhere near as bad as what goes on with Trump's foundation where he just takes the money for himself? Nope. How about Trump University where he flat out scammed desperate people.


So yeah, Trump and Clinton are not equivalent, but I don't think that gives her a free pass either.

Edited by Juliajms
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Huma seems to be like a daughter to her so I can't see that happening. The Clintons are loyal to a fault, but sometimes it is a very big fault. It's a shame that she tolerated so much from Anthony Weiner, who seems to be a complete and total shitstain.

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Yeah, I'm well aware of the relationship between Huma and Hillary but I was just thinking aloud.

If she didn't shift Huma out of the campaign when people were excoriating the campaign over Huma having one foot working for a private firm while on the campaign last year, HRC certainly won't move her now but Huma also needs to clean up her act. I'm hoping that once the divorce is final, that will provide a good batch of disinfectant.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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The big problem here isn't Hillary, it's the FBI Director who clearly has played politics here close to the election. If these emails he's referring to are actually duplicates, then it's clear that he was trying to play politics. That is who is shady here and he needs to resign immediately because he has abused his authority big time. These emails are not even from Clinton, which makes this whole "discovery" even more suspect. If he doesn't resign, he's going to have to at least hold a press conference and clarify this whole situation, because it doesn't set right.

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