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I'm more livid by the day. I can't imagine how she feels.


Moreover, I can't imagine how any woman, including any of you, feels. I think this entire sick farce has shamed our nation, but what women must feel - watching the future first woman President up against a misogynist bully - is beyond me. My mother worked on Capitol Hill most of her professional life, lobbying on behalf of Democratic leaders. She got her start campaigning for Bobby Kennedy. When I think what she must surely have endured at times from men like this on the Hill - and has never once spoken of - I just choke.


I can't wait to exorcise this entire sad year, and that starts with burning this filth off the face of the national consciousness. Like taking a match to an leech. He'll still be out there in some deep recesses and small corners of our country, but he will be profoundly diminished, like the monster in Stephen King's It; he never be like this or how he was again. He will be Sarah Palin-ized. There is no worse fate for Donald Trump than to be ignored. To him it is a living death.


I can't remember if this was posted here, or if I even posted it myself. I'm too worn out to check. Read it if you haven't. It's important. It outlines in absolutely horrific, excruciating detail exactly what Donald Trump represents and why he has to be destroyed. I have every confidence we are about to do that.


On a lighter note, note the one Trump child not as downcast as the rest of the family post-debate.


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God, Joe Scarborough and Mika are so pathetic. They've been desperately carrying water for Trump for several weeks now as he's flamed out, since their much-publicized fateful meeting with him at Trump Tower in late September in the hopes of 'mending fences'. Now they've both become these rabid advocates for Trump while the rest of the media abandons him, finger-wagging at Democrats and the Clinton team for being 'holier than thou' and blaming the rest of the media for 'overblowing everything'. Even weak-kneed Mika has become a pro-Trump attack dog. Every time Trump has a new catastrophe, Joe and Mika are there the next morning to claim everyone else in the media is blowing out of proportion and acting disgusted that Hillary Clinton is 'so arrogant.'


No one believes them anymore and they're alone in this now even on their live panels, but here they are this morning mocking the rest of the panel guests and complaining that everyone is 'overthinking' Trump's refusal to concede - no big deal! He's just being careful! Mika tried to trot out every Democratic allegation of election fraud over 15 years as though it were the same, and Joe just filibustered for at least five minutes against the rest of the guests, raging that 'you must all think I'm stupid' while Mika tittered.


These two are melting down and why they feel so bound to Trump's rise or fall is beyond me, unless he really does have dirt on their alleged personal relationship. I don't know how long they're going to keep this show on the air as is. They're not setting the trends, they've just humiliated themselves.

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Holy shït: A disgusted Bill Kristol, of all (terrible) people, just got into a major scrap with those two when he said Trump should be treated as 'a fluke' in the future. Mika protested that he was the nominee and had achieved a major triumph, and Kristol basically called her and Scarborough on giving Trump a pass. It exploded into a tiff, he shouldn't have backed down. It's a weird moment when I find myself rooting for Bill Kristol.

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I saw that and how Joe treated Harold Ford. disgusting. Both need to be fired and this show needs to be canceled. apparently that meeting they both had wit Trump at Trump Tower to make peace must have worked because they're back to kissing his backside. and Mika? Know Your Value my ass. For me to EVER agree with BK is a feat...which means J&M are just horrible and childish.

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Yeah, I was sleeping off some jet lag so I didn't get to mention the rest of Morning Joe: The panelists continued to surprisingly revolt against Joe and Mika as Harold Ford got into a major fight with them as well while the two of them continued to sputter that they'd been 'very fair' about Trump and that 'everyone but us' is making too big a deal of Trump's insistence on not conceding. It was pathetic.


Their one ally, of course: Mark Halperin, who went full Tea Party and insisted "only the elites" care about what Trump said and if only he hadn't he would've done great last night. Sure, bud. Of course, every focus group from last night indicated the "real people" all did care about what he said and found it disqualifying.


Here is a partial write-up from TPM. More from WaPo and Media Matters.





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