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This was just in night 1 of the DNC….. over 6 million...




































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I don't think it's a shock to see higher ratings. And lets be honest people, while the small outliers of the Bernie or Bust group are still having a temper tantrum for the most part, it's been handled and has been a non factor. And weren't a lot of the conventions of old, where the candidate wasn't in some cases decided until the actual convention, chaotic. I actually don't think covering them and giving them attention is a bad thing. It shows that people can disagree and protest in a productive way. Most of the Bernie supporters are on board because they know they got a lot accomplished, got much of the platform changed, and if they stick with their "movement" will likely continue to build and be key players going forward. The small percentage of protesters IMO have been a non factor. Fortunately the convention has had enough starpower and powerful speeches and moments to overshadow it IMO.


Ratings? Who did the RNC have? Many prominent republicans didn't show up, hell John Kasich the Governor of Ohio was even in Cleveland and refused to attend. I doubt Scott Baio, Rudy Gulianni, and Duck Dynasty are a bigger draw than the POTUS, FLOTUS, 2 former POTUS's(Carter appeared last night on remote), and the sitting VP plus A class celebs(Meryl Streep last night too). 2 former Republican presidents were MIA at their convention. What does that tell you?

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I thought so too. He and Bill both gave really good speeches.


Here's what my favorite Republican said about Bloomberg:

32m32 minutes ago

Bloomberg giving master cooking class at DNC. He's cutting, dicing, slicing, cubing, mashing and frying Trump. And making soup w/the bones.

Edited by Juliajms
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