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Yes you are right. Bobby & J.R. made several KL appearances and Charlene did one. I wonder why none of the other Dallas actors made appearances ? Was it because they would have to pay them more money and they felt Duffy & Hagman were only worth the extra expense ?

I would love to have seen Bobby bring Pam with him to visit the cul-de-sac at least once. They should have had let that happen when J.R. got shot. They were headed there but were stopped on the freeway and returned to Dallas. They should have had them already be in KL for a few days when they are notified and bring Gary back with them. Victoria & Joan rarely had scenes together. 

I can picture Val having a local cooking/lifestyle type of show on cable than being a writer. 

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Oh Greg is my 2nd favorite for sure and I completely agree with your assessment…it’s just for me I also felt the last seasons over relied and overexposed Greg wayyy too much. No fault to Devane who was always consistently good, it’s mainly because TPTB couldn’t develop anything else substantial.

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Yes. Another of my favorite JR lines was when he was having dinner at Gary and Val's and all the neighbors were over and Val was upset about JR being there. Someone noticed she wasn't eating anything and asked her about it. She said, "I'm not hungry" as she glared at JR. JR says, "Valene, you better eat up while there's food on the table. You never know when your luck's going to run out". 

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I swear I'm not meaning to reply *only* to your posts, Khan ...

The impression I got was that J.R. was trying to mess with Val's head when he implied that Miss Ellie, etc. would be so scandalized or hurt by Capricorn Crude. It didn't work, so he moved onto making money off the whole affair.

I'll always love J.R. shading Val in that one scene, complimenting her on her "way with ice tea."

As for Val being Seaview Circle's answer to Susann, Krantz and Collins, even if the show didn't intend it, I always think in terms of Grace Metalious. She had aspirations of being a serious writer, but no one saw Peyton Place that way.

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Yes that was great ....LOL. Another great scene is when he visits after she and Gary split up and talks to her about her book. He makes her repeat that she and Gary are separated. He also tells her he was disappointed it was fiction because real life was a hell lot more interesting. You should know that Valene.

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The screen absolutely crackled whenever Hagman and Van Ark appeared together. Some of the Dallas actresses were not his equal, so it was always a pleasure to see him act with an excellent screen partner.

JR and Valene did have a scene together in the Dallas series finale, but as we know, that was another dream. They were scheduled to have a scene together in the TNT Dallas revival, but Hagman passed away before he could film it, so Linda Gray sat in for him. But you could tell the dialogue was written for JR and Val.

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Actually, @SoapDope, Mary Crosby/Kristin appeared in an episode of KL during S2, shortly after she had shot J.R.  IIRC, Kristin attempted to seduce Kenny, because she was pregnant (with Christopher, whom Bobby and Pam end up adopting) and needed a father for her baby, or some mess.  The whole thing must've seemed absurd to DALLAS/KL viewers even back then, lol.

That would've been a hoot, lol!  Especially when Ben and Abby were running Pacific World Cable and Joshua had his "PTL Club"-like show.  Joshua would've turned the program into a real family affair, with his preaching (with Cathy by his side like Tammy Faye Bakker), Valene hosting cooking segments that attempted to present them (Josh, Val, Cathy, Lilimae) as one big, Jesus-lovin' family, and Cathy and Lilimae performing a Gospel number or two in every episode.

Imagine for the moment, though, if Val had decided that the best way to work through her issues with Gary and Abby would be to write a book all about the affair (rather than that "Nashville Junction" that was supposedly all about Lilimae and sold zilch copies, lol).

Oh, I totally get where you're coming from with that, @soapfan770, and ICAM.  Greg and Paige's relationship felt particularly silly to me.

I'd go along with that, especially if it ended with Kenny dead like Charlie Minor. 

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I watched the Kristin episode just the other night. I laughed when Ginger walked in on her and Kenny supposedly going at it. Supposedly Kristin was still pregnant by J.R. at this point, but miscarried and got quickly pregnant again ?  Dallas dropped the ball on that. Baby Christopher should have been J.R.'s all along and as he grows up Mommy Pam starts to notice bad behavioral problems. I can picture 5 year old Christopher telling Pam " Shut up you stupid B#*%h" after she tells him to finish his milk.

LOL at Val & the family PTL club. Joshua would get a secretary (like Jessica Hahn) and have a scandalous affair that rocks their little cable world. Joshua would pull a Jimmy Swaggart and confess his sins live on the air. 

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Just finished "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" (Season 1, Episode 5).  That's another really good one.  Lilimae's first appearance inspired the writer to examine each mother/daughter relationship on the show in a pretty impactful manner.

And I loved the "dessert scene" where everyone ditched the parfait (or whatever that was) for Valene's countryfied fritters that Lillimae warned her not to serve to those "city folks".  

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The biggest problem with the Wards seems to be that they play so much younger than their cul-de-sac counterparts, lacking the experience, wit, and sarcasm that we see in the Averys, the Fairgates, and the Ewings.  Demographically, they're a bit isolated from everyone else -- which was probably a good idea on paper but didn't necessarily work in reality.  

In all the episodes I've re-watched so far, the Wards do seem like an afterthought. 

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