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I don't know whether this counts, but I do recall an episode in S3 where Abby befriends a wealthy, old man, played by Lew Ayres, by pretending to be his lost love (or something). She began the relationship in order to get her hands on his money, but the more she grew to know him, the more her inner sense of decency and her conscience got the better of her.

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Silver Shadows, I think.

That is the episode that made me a Knots fan.

What I loved about the episode is that Abby did "win." When he died, everything was going to go to her. But when she saw the will, she realized that he'd written down the name of his old love, the woman she was pretending to be.

Instead of doing what you'd get on most soaps (especially today) and throwing things around the room, Abby simply put on the flapper-era hat that she'd worn for Ayres, looked in the mirror, and smiled, fondly, remembering the man she'd known.

Abby was not just a "bitch," she had layers and ambiguities, and this episode was one of the best examples of that.

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Yea, Abby was never just a villian. There are several examples of her good deeds. She gave her kidney to Diana. she covered for Olivia when she thought Olivia killed Peter Hollister. She was even friendly to Valene occasionally...like when everyone thought Valene tried to kill herself (When it was really Jill.) and she seemed genuinely sad when she told Gary that Bobby was dead (of course it was a dallas dream.)

Of course on the other hand she did more sneaky and selfish things than i can even think of . Nine seasons is a long time. All the stuff she did to Gary with Appolune. Siding with Greg to keep Meg away from Karen and Mac. stealing Lotus Point with the dummy corperation. Knowing that Valene's babies were alive and never said anything until she could be the big hero and bring Valene to the destination point. Burying Pete Holister(without getting dirty LOL) Being apart of that stolen parts deal that lead to Sid's death. So many things...

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To me what would always save Abby froom being a royal bitch with no redeeming qualities were her throughline that she would fight tooth and nail for her kids. She wasnt above using them(i remember a few time where she used her son to gain sympathy) or plotting against them(trying to break up Olivia's marriage becuz Harold reminded her of her kids' father) but she would take a bullett for them.

I really think she lost her focus though during the whole Michael York story arc which to these day im not sure what it was about. Was it supposed to showcase vulnerabilities we had seen better established time and time again? I cringed at the notion of abby being fooled into being a victim so im glad she got the last laught but she ended up so bitter over this and it never made sense. How this bloke could even pass for a love interest for abby is beyond me.

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The Three Sister's is a very unusual episode for Knots Landing on the outside, but if you dig beneath the supernatural trappings of the episode.. it was psychological drama at its finest.

At the heart of the story was Val's unfulfilled yearning to be a mother. Her baby was stolen from her, and the guilt she felt over not being strong enough to reclaim her child drove Val throughout her life. At the house lived three little girl ghosts missing their mother and Val's innate sense drew her to them and vice versa. What is interesting is that Ginger felt the same thing when they first got there, but because she was only away from her baby for a few days, she was able to withstand the pull of the house.

From what I recall Abby was the comic relief, Karen had very little part in the going ons, and I think it was an interesting twist that Laura was able to figure out what was troubling Val and alerted the other women.

The cherry on top of the sundae was Lilliamae and Val's scene on the roof where Lillimae finally stepped up and was there for her daughter for the first time. She was able to rescue Val thus helping her to overcome the guilt she felt at not helping Val when she needed her the most. I think this episode was truly the first step in repairing Val and Lillimae's rift. Plus, when Val had the break down a few season later after she's told her babies are dead.. it doesn't come out of left field.

Later writers made it seem as if Val couldn't live without Gary, but she spent years on her own before reuniting with him.. and after she catches him with Abby, she throws him out and started dating the detective before dating Ben. What really made Val break wasn't losing Gary but the thought of losing another chance at being a mother.

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Real Housewife of Knots Landing.

introduction taglines

Valene: Poor Val is dead...i'm in charge now!

Karen: I'm not just the neighbor on the block...I am the block!

Abby: Don't hate me because i'm beautiful...hate me because i win!

Laura: I was a downtrodden housewife....but now kick ass and take names later!

Paige: I'm no housewife....but i will get everything i want!

Edited by BKuzak
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Cathy: I may look like a dead girl...but i'm my own woman!

Anne: People say money can't buy you happiness....i'm still trying to prove them wrong!

Claudia: My life might have it's ups and down...but i always end up on top.

Pat: Everyone has secrets...my family comes first!

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