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Edge of Night (EON) (No spoilers please)


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Didn't Agnes at one point have it written into her contract that AMC tapes would be saved?


I think Texas and Capitol would exist.


I always wonder whether 20th Century Fox has Best of Everything and Return to Peyton Place in a dungeon somewhere.Also read that early GH was saved.

Maybe How To Survive a Marriage?


Soaps that played in Australia may not have been destroyed. Again,could be sitting in a warehouse somewhere.

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I vaguely recall something about Nixon having it in her contract with the network that AMC episodes would be archived, but I am hazy on the specifics. I know OLTL was not kept, however. And even if the early years of AMC were preserved at one point, we know they are gone now, alas.


Yes, possibly TEXAS and CAPITAL exist. They were produced late enough.


I know private collectors who have some RTPP and the 90-minute pilot of HTSAM, but I have no idea if all the eps were saved. I kind of doubt it. The shows were made in the early/mid 1970s. THE DOCTORS unexpectedly turned up, however, so we may never really know what still exists in American warehouses.


Soaps which aired in other countries have been conserved in some cases. Claire Labine said that when they wanted to broadcast RH on Soapnet years ago, they found many episodes in Ireland. It is conceivable that various soap eps are sitting in storage around the globe rotting away, but since nobody cares to look for them or conserve them properly, soap lovers cannot pin much hope on that helping us. (Ancient DR. WHO episodes have been uncovered all over the place, and carefully archived, but DW is a cash cow and ancient soaps are not.)


Elly Jo was putting poison into the tea and (knowing she was sinning) prayed desperately, "Please don't smite me Lord, please don't smite me!" Then, when no immediate punishment from above, she heaved a sigh of relief, shrugged, and said, "Well, I guess the Lord doesn't mind after all!"


I found it hilarious, but I imagine a scene like that would provoke outrage from professional complainers of today, like 100 Million Morons, or whatever that far-right "religious" group calls itself. 

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Well, even though SB was never a favorite of mine ("writer" Ann Howard Bailey destroyed most of it), I am actually happy to hear that another soap survives intact. If only Sweden had complete runs of the P&G soaps like TEON!


As far as I know, yes. You could check IMDB for clarification, however.

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Ms. Lyman said that she based the character of Opal on All My Children on Elly Jo from The Edge of Night.


I don't know what you would consider the first "big" role for Ms. Lyman.    She appeared on A World Apart prior to being on The Edge of Night.  I think that she had possibly been on Search for Tomorrow or Love of Life (I forget which) prior to that.   She was also on One Life to Live on which she may have played a nun.

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Well, TEON had a long history filled with many memorable murderers, both male and female. If we are talking about lethal quality, I would personally rank Stephanie Martin above Elly Jo.


Whatever happened to Mark Faulkner? He seems to have vanished from the soap radar!

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