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All: The Worst Storyline Ever

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Not that I really watch AMC anymore but I also am sick to death of spermgate. It started 10 years ago in 1998 when Ryan donated his sperm and there has been on-going crapola story from that ever since to this day. UGH! Also lead to the Adam switching his sperm with Jake's sperm to create Colby (we only had to hear about that for TWO YEARS vs. the TEN years of the unending interminable drama of Ryan's swimmers).

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IMO, the single worst storyline ever written (because it precipitated the entire, unfortunate trend in daytime for producing low-brow, campy, sci-fi dreck) was GENERAL HOSPITAL's "Ice Princess" story in the early 1980s.

These fantasy stories attracted the curiosity of the kids and other fly-by-night viewers, who would tune in just to see what campy absurdity was being presented on-screen, but they seriously alienated the core, long-time soap opera audience who wanted their shows to be based on family, community, interpersonal relationships, romance, and a general sense of "possibility".

It was the beginning of a long, downward spiral which lead to cretinous stories like ((shudder)) Marlena Possessed!!! and Reva The Clone!!!

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B&B: Little Rick shoots Grant Chambers cause of violent videogames (I know it's not the story but it left a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth)

GL: The whole Holly/ Nursery Rhyme baby stealer/ Causes Jenna's death s/l ("Someone's got to think about the children!"

ATWT: The Paul/Meg/Rosanna/Craig debacle (this made me stop watching ATWT daily)

Y&R: The Reliquery/ Brad's Jewish and on the run from Nazi's (Oye veh!)

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I the Mary Anne Curruthers story on GL. I despised it with a passion of a thousand burning suns.

I also hated other stories under Ellen Weston...

-The Garden of Eden Serial Killings

-Anything involving Eden/Tony/Michelle/Danny

-Danny and Ross running for mayor

-Alex gaslighting Alan

All of the above were simply the worst in GL history...THE WORST.

Under DK there's been a variety of them, from Blake having an affair with Jeffrey to her ending up in a coma, to an amnesiac Michelle hooking up with Tony. Most recently I hated the introduction of Natalia and Rafe.

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It wasn't -- at least, as far as I could tell. Because the novel was released between HW's, however, I think the reason for the book got a little lost in the shuffle.

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I can't believe someone said Endgame. That was maybe the best story GH has told in the last 15 years. The exquisite and fabulous Constance Towers as a modern day Frankenstein raising her son from the dead? What's not to like? Robert Kelker-Kelly as the scene chewing hammy son? Brainwashing, giant diamonds, secret labs under the hospital, the incestuous vibe CT gave off, Jacob Young's only good work on GH as tortured Lucky, Luke and Stavros fighting over a bottomless pit...who could ask for anything more?

I have to again nominate Alexis' cancer from a couple of years back. This is literally what would be on every goddamn day and week:

Alexis tells Ric she will not have chemo

Alexis tells sam she will not have chemo

Sam and Ric discuss Alexis not having chemo

Sam and Jason discuss Alexis not having chemo

Jason and Sonny discuss Alexis not having chemo

Sonny and Carly discuss Alexis not having chemo

Alexis and Jax discuss Alexis not having chemo

Alexis and Carly discuss Alexis not having chemo

Alexis and Nik discuss Alexis not having chemo

Carly and Jason discuss Alexis not having chemo

Nik and Sam discuss Alexis not having chemo

Alexis and Sonny discuss Alexis not having chemo

Ok, then Sonny or whoever gets though to her and she decides to have chemo. Now change topics and dance because it is time to have the same cycle start all over again about her willing to have chemo after all. So boring, so tedious..a neverending parade of low energy scenes starring groups of twos discussing the same thing iover and over again with never a new point being introduced. I literally cannot think of a worse story GH ever told. It even made the Eckharts seem exciting. Even the Laurelton mystery was better with the months of Jackie Zeman asking "terri, what is it???"

More recently, Robin and Patrick's pregnancy has me wishing terrorists would just shoot her and end this immediately. Day after day of fighting about nonsense. Then when they settle the fight they swap positions and fight now from the other side. It isn't even a story. It's an assault on the viewers sanity.

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There have been plenty, but for some reason the summer 1985 OLTL story about Ivan Kipling and his bionic hand jumped out when I read the question. This was when Tina was really taking off, and she was on 24/7 with Roscoe Born as Mitch Laurence and the whole Viki/Niki thing, with Tina on trial for Harry O'Neill's murder. Great, great stuff.....but the "B" story was a go-nowhere plot that had teenagers Cassie, Rob Coronal, Dan Wolek, Annie Barnes (a 16 year-old Rebecca Schaeffer, who would later star on My Sister Sam, and then be murdered by an obsessed fan in 1989), and Brodie something-or-other (played by Jon Hensley). My main problems with the story were it was supposed to appeal to teens in the summer....but it sucked. It started as a Friday the 13th type story that was supposed to put them all in harm's way, but the audience balked at Ivan Kipling having this stupid plastic-looking bionic hand, and eventually he befriended Cassie and no one was hurt. (In short, the whole thing was just kind of dropped).

Particularly notable for the waste of Rebecca Schaeffer, and the waste of Jon Hensley, who quickly signed on with ATWT in a contract role when OLTL didn't sign him to one fast enough.

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You know, Carolyn, I'm a little glad I blocked most of that story from my memory, lol. (My OLTL-related memories from that time concern mostly Larry, Wanda, Ed Hall, Jenny & David Renaldi, Rob & Cassie, Rafe & Delilah, Herb & Dorian, Tina & Mitch, the Buchanans and the supremely long "Viki vs. Niki" battle.) Just from reading that brief synopsis, it makes no sense to me that Ivan Kipling would concern himself with a group of empty-headed teens, bionic hand or no bionic hand. Well, maybe Dan, since he is Larry's son, but the others...why?

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